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Floods have an impact on agriculture

The flood situation is having a considerable impact on agriculture and forestry in Lower Saxony. Agricultural land was particularly affected along the Weser, Aller and Ems rivers, the Ministry of Agriculture in Hanover announced on Friday.

Weather - Floods have an impact on agriculture

The flood situation is having a considerable impact on agriculture and forestry in Lower Saxony. Agricultural land is particularly affected along the Weser, Aller and Ems rivers, the Ministry of Agriculture in Hanover announced on Friday.

The flooding is particularly problematic for arable farms in locations with heavy soil conditions that are already prone to waterlogging. Winter wheat and winter barley, for example, are affected. Due to the waterlogging and the associated lack of oxygen in the soil, the plants can absorb fewer nutrients. Prolonged waterlogging can therefore result in lower yields.

The floods in the affected regions also have a significant impact on the wildlife population, the ministry added. The habitat with the necessary retreat areas in winter becomes scarcer, the animals find less food and therefore have to leave their habitats in some cases.

Read also:

  1. The Ministry of Agriculture in Hanover, BMELV, is closely monitoring the flood situation in Lower Saxony, particularly along the Ems, Weser, and Aller rivers, due to the impact it's having on agriculture and forestry.
  2. The floods in these regions are causing significant problems for arable farms with heavy soil conditions, affecting crops like winter wheat and barley, which are currently waterlogged and unable to absorb sufficient nutrients, potentially leading to lower yields.
  3. The effects of the floods extend beyond agriculture; wildlife populations are also being impacted, as their habitats with necessary retreat areas during winter are becoming scarcer, reducing the availability of food, and forcing animals to leave their habitats in some cases.
  4. Despite the challenging flood situation, it's crucial for farmers in the affected areas to maintain communication with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMELV) and other organizations that can provide necessary assistance and resources to help mitigate the impact on their livelihoods.
  5. In order to better prepare for potential flood situations in the future, the Lower Saxony government should consider implementing measures to strengthen infrastructure and improve flood management in vulnerable areas, with a focus on preserving both agriculture and wildlife populations.


