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Flooding in the south: County needs help and time

Even after the holidays, the flood situation in the Mansfeld-Südharz district remains tense. The German Armed Forces are now being called upon to help, as the water could rise even further.

Sandbags are ready for removal at Oberröblingen station.
Sandbags are ready for removal at Oberröblingen station.

Flood - Flooding in the south: County needs help and time

The flood situation in the Mansfeld-Südharz district is not expected to ease any time soon. According to forecasts from the German Weather Service, it is expected to continue raining in the coming days. In the opinion of district administrator André Schröder, the voluntary help from citizens and the additional emergency services from other districts are no longer sufficient. He has asked the German Armed Forces for help, the CDU politician explained on Tuesday during a visit from Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU).

"We will have to deal with the water here for a long time to come," said the Interior Minister on Tuesday. It was important for her to see the situation for herself. "The particular challenge here is that we are facing a long operation."

The district in the south of Saxony-Anhalt has been under a state of emergency since last Saturday (December 31). This means that the district is responsible for central organization. District Administrator Schröder also spoke on Tuesday of a long-lasting operation and at the same time thanked the citizens for their prudence and solidarity. "Pulling together works. It was clear that water has no regard for families or holidays." Due to the high water levels, there were problems with the supply of groundwater and drinking water in the Mansfeld-Südharz district on Tuesday.

According to the district, hundreds of emergency personnel are currently on duty along the Helme dykes to reinforce, secure and build up the dykes. Volunteers are also being sought. Coordination is also taking place with the dam operator and the State Office for Flood Protection.

Due to the expected stormy weather, the operators of the Harz narrow-gauge railroad had announced that train services between Schierke and the Harzer Brocken would be suspended on Wednesday. According to the information, the other connections should run as planned.

As the district administration office of the Kyffhäuserkreis district in Thuringia announced on Tuesday, a dyke breach to drain the flood water in the Helme should not be widened for the time being. It was already widened at the turn of the year. Floodwater flows through the breach from the Helme onto surrounding fields.

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