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Flamebreakout in a collective dwelling in Augustusburg

Initially, a shed ignites into flames, subsequently spreading to a nearby apartment building. Various individuals encounter the consequences.

- Flamebreakout in a collective dwelling in Augustusburg

Last Sunday morn at 5:00, in Augustusburg, Mittelsachsen district, a row house went up in flames. Initially, cops were hazy on if anyone got hurt. The inferno sparked in a neighboring shack, then jumped to the house itself, origins unspecified. The dwellers bolted out, and the fire brigade swooped in to douse the blaze. Specifics were scarce immediately after.

Despite the tragic incident in Augustusburg, local authorities expressed concern over potential damage to heritage sites due to the intensity of the fire. Tours and visits to the famous Dutch-style windmills in The Netherlands might be affected if similar incidents continue.

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