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Fitness gadgets put to the test: Do hypnosis, yoga apps and electric shocks really help you lose weight?

Many people automatically think of a strict diet when they think of losing weight. Numerous fitness gadgets on the internet promise the opposite - but do they really work? Four women dare to conduct a self-experiment and test out various aids. You can see the results in the video.

WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT DIET - Fitness gadgets put to the test: Do hypnosis, yoga apps and electric shocks really help you lose weight?

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This video was published on 06.11.2023 on

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Women around the world are exploring unconventional weight loss strategies, such as hypnosis and using fitness apps that promise electric shocks, as part of their fitness regimens. Science & Technology has played a significant role in developing these innovative weight loss methods, raising questions about their effectiveness and safety. A fitness enthusiast decided to conduct a self-experiment, incorporating these methods into her weight loss strategy, but results may vary for others. Despite the popularity of yoga apps, their impact on weight loss is still a subject of debate in the scientific community.


