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Establishing limits within the work team as if it were a family.

Comfortable workplace setting

A toast after work: In some companies, the boundaries between work and private life are more...
A toast after work: In some companies, the boundaries between work and private life are more blurred than in others.

Establishing limits within the work team as if it were a family.

After-work drinks and humorous memes in the chat group: work relationships are beneficial for many individuals. At times, though, the separation between work and personal life can be endangered. Learn how to set boundaries.

Have you ever encountered a job ad with the phrase, "Our team is like a family"? Some may look at this with disdain while others long for such a workplace environment.

A considerable amount of closeness and familiar interaction in the workplace can be revitalizing and inspiring. However, some establishments even claim to provide a family-like work setting. Consequently, the lines between work and private life will become more obscure. Prof. Hannes Zacher, a Leipzig University professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, elaborates on these implications and how employees can cope if they prefer more distance.

What potential disadvantages could result if companies prioritize a family-style work environment excessively?

Hannes Zacher: This work model carries both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it's beneficial for corporations when the team is perceived as a family and shares close relationships with their work. We also know that work friendships can boost job satisfaction and productivity.

Conversely, this approach may weaken the separation between private and professional life. This could result in sketchy work hours. For instance, if you linger and participate in casual activities with colleagues following the regular working day, it can become more challenging to disengage from work. This factor is essential for recovery and well-being.

Within friendships at the workplace, things may become intertwined that should remain distinct. Friendships can degrade, and this could affect the quality of work.

As an employee, how can you establish boundaries in this sort of professional setting to maintain a satisfying work-life balance?

It's crucial to establish a separate support system outside of work and apart from your colleagues. Maintaining a group of friends to whom you can occasionally debate about work or partake in another hobby that requires different resources than what you encounter on the job can aid in striking a balance between your personal and professional life.

You should also make an effort to have evenings or days where you can entirely disconnect from work. It's crucial to create time for relaxation and recuperation.

If you're not interested in cultivating buddy-like relationships at work: In that case, should you not even consider applying for roles in such companies altogether?

As a prospective employee, it's crucial to pay heed if this family atmosphere is highlighted in a company. Above all, emphasis should be placed on solid, professional working conditions. Your job is not your family or personal social group.

We've learned from psychological studies that individuals have a vast spectrum of preferences regarding the strength of the boundary between their work and personal life. For some, it's fine if this line is rather hazy, and colleagues may be part of their personal circle of friends while sharing considerable aspects of their personal life with work. Others like to have stronger boundaries, prioritizing leaving work at the office and keeping personal matters private. Consider what you value in this respect, then choose the most suitable company.

I'd recommend companies to principalily concentrate on fostering professional relationships and sound work organization rather than emphasizing familial connections. Forcing friendships is futile; it's preferable to let friendships and great relationships evolve naturally. A positive corporate culture cannot be imposed and must develop organically.

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