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Environmentalists Hope for Collaboration Following Electoral Setback

In the European and local elections held on Sunday, the Greens in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern saw their 2019 results halved. As a result, they no longer have the required members to form a parliamentary group in certain local legislatures.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Green Party state chairman Ole Krüger.
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Green Party state chairman Ole Krüger.

Local Governments - Environmentalists Hope for Collaboration Following Electoral Setback

The Green Party is considering joining forces with other parties following their poor showing in the local elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. On Monday, Green state chairman Ole Krüger stated in Schwerin that they would not work with the AfD. The Greens managed to garner just 5.5% of the votes compared to 10.3% five years ago. Krüger remarked that forming coalitions in council chambers would be challenging. The AfD emerged victorious with 25.6% of the votes cast.

During the election to the European Parliament, the Greens secured a measly 4.8% of the votes. Unfortunately, they were unable to retrieve MV MP Niklas Nienaß to the EU Parliament. This is a disappointing turn of events for the party as well as the northeast, as Nienaß has been a fervent advocate for rural areas.

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