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Doctors had to defibrillate Heinz Hoenig.

Shock for Annika Kästen-Hoenig: In an interview, she reveals that Heinz Hoenig had to be revived again one and a half weeks ago.

- Doctors had to defibrillate Heinz Hoenig.

The health status of Heinz Hoenig (72) remains serious. This was emphasized to Annika Kärsten-Hoenig (39), his wife, about a week and a half ago by the doctors treating the actor, who has been in a Berlin clinic for months. After a dramatic night, they had to revive him.

Shock moment for Annika Kärsten-Hoenig

In an interview with the magazine "Bunte", she revealed that she found "a defibrillator pad on his chest". "The doctors then told me that they had to revive my husband during the night." A shocking moment for the actress and mother of two.

However, there is also good news: Heinz Hoenig is no longer being orally intubated and can breathe independently through his tracheostoma. He is still getting used to this. With a walker, the actor can already walk a few meters, according to Kärsten-Hoenig.

Second surgery for Heinz Hoenig coming soon?

The fact that Heinz Hoenig can now breathe independently is a significant step. This is necessary for the life-saving heart surgery on the aorta that the actor has been waiting for months, as Kärsten-Hoenig recently revealed to the "Bild" newspaper.

To be there for her husband, Kärsten-Hoenig has temporarily moved with their two sons, Juliano (3) and Jianni (1), into a small apartment in Berlin. They usually live in Blankenburg, Saxony-Anhalt. The couple has been married since 2019.

Support from the medical team and colleagues

During this challenging time, Heinz Hoenig and others, including his colleagues in the industry, have received an outpouring of support. Famous figures such as Heino and Oliver Pocher have sent their well-wishes and prayers to the ailing actor.

Collective hope for a full recovery

Gathering strength from this support system and his resilient nature, the entire medical team, Annika Kärsten-Hoenig, and others are collectively hoping for a full and successful recovery for Heinz Hoenig.

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