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Coronavirus monitored in four wastewater treatment plants in Brandenburg

Brandenburg is participating with four sewage treatment plants in the nationwide wastewater monitoring for the detection of coronaviruses. The Ministry of Health announced on Thursday that the viral load has been examined in the Potsdam sewage treatment plant since May and in Brandenburg/Havel,...

Ursula Nonnemacher visits the Metropolishalle vaccination center in Potsdam.
Ursula Nonnemacher visits the Metropolishalle vaccination center in Potsdam.

Wastewater monitoring - Coronavirus monitored in four wastewater treatment plants in Brandenburg

Brandenburg is participating with four sewage treatment plants in the nationwide wastewater monitoring for the detection of coronaviruses. The Ministry of Health announced on Thursday that the viral load has been examined in the Potsdam sewage treatment plant since May and in Brandenburg/Havel, Cottbus and Frankfurt (Oder) since November. Nationwide, the data from 134 sewage treatment plants is being used to investigate changes in the viral load and the resulting dynamics of infections as well as new virus variants.

Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) pointed out that older people and patients with pre-existing conditions in particular continue to have an increased risk of becoming seriously ill in the event of a corona infection. "Because testing is no longer carried out across the board, conclusions about the infection situation can only be drawn indirectly. One indicator of this is the viral load in wastewater," explained the Minister. "We can identify new corona waves at an early stage and raise awareness among the population."

Since the end of June, an increasing coronavirus load has been observed in nationwide wastewater monitoring, the ministry announced. At the Potsdam site, the wastewater contained more than 5.1 million coronavirus gene copies per liter on 11 December, more than twice as many as two weeks earlier.

Press release

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