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Chancellor Scholz wants to implement budget ruling quickly

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during the state party conference of the SPD
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during the state party conference of the SPD

Chancellor Scholz wants to implement budget ruling quickly

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has once again announced a quick reorganization of the federal budget following the Karlsruhe budget ruling. "Once the court has spoken, it's just a matter of getting down to implementation," said Scholz in his speech at the Brandenburg SPD party conference in Schönefeld on Saturday. And this should happen quickly. The Chancellor said that the government's most important goals remained unchanged despite the changed framework conditions. "We will continue to support Ukraine. We will do everything we can to cushion the economic consequences of the war," he emphasized. "We will do everything we can to preserve cohesion in the country. And that also applies to the major project of industrial modernization in Germany."

The court had declared the transfer of coronavirus billions to the Climate and Transformation Fund inadmissible. Therefore, the challenge of the 60 billion euros in question must now be overcome, explained the Chancellor. "It won't be easy," he conceded. "But instead of discussing consultation results in advance, I would say we'd better get to work."

The Federal Government had mobilized a great deal of money to subsidize energy prices, the Chancellor emphasized. "The 'double whammy' was 200 billion euros." However, only 45 to 46 billion of this was needed. That is why the government will once again make use of an exception to the debt brake for this year.

Following the Karlsruhe budget ruling, the SPD-led federal government needs to reorganize the budget quickly, as stated by Chancellor Scholz. Despite the court's decision declaring the transfer of coronavirus billions to the Climate and Transformation Fund inadmissible, Scholz remains committed to the SPD's goals, such as supporting Ukraine and preserving national cohesion.


