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CDU parliamentary group leader wants more powers for the police

Brandenburg's CDU parliamentary group leader Jan Redmann believes that the police need more powers. "The powers of the investigating authorities need to be expanded, especially in the online sector," Redmann told the German Press Agency. "For this, we need a major amendment to the police law."

Amendment to the law - CDU parliamentary group leader wants more powers for the police

Brandenburg's CDU parliamentary group leader Jan Redmann believes that the police need more powers. "The powers of the investigating authorities need to be expanded, especially in the online sector," Redmann told the German Press Agency. "To achieve this, we need a major amendment to the Police Act."

The red-black-green coalition has been debating a new police law for some time. However, the Greens would reject such new regulations. The SPD, CDU and Greens had agreed in 2019: "The coalition is not planning a comprehensive amendment to the Police Act." One controversial issue was the use of bodycams - small body cameras - in residential areas.

Redmann, who is also the CDU state leader, is already looking beyond the current election period with this proposal. A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg in September. The CDU top candidate wants to replace SPD Minister President Dietmar Woidke in the head of the State Chancellery. However, in the latest polls, the Christian Democrats were in third place behind the AfD and SPD with 18%; only in April 2023 were the AfD and CDU in equal first place.

The CDU parliamentary group leader attacked the traffic light coalition in the federal government. " Brandenburg's main problems are currently caused by the federal government," said Redmann. "That's why it will be important to make Brandenburg's interests clear to the federal government in 2024." They must come first. He cited the planned burdens for commuters and farmers and the hospital reform as examples.

Redmann cited other goals such as ensuring good health care in rural areas, tackling construction sites in the education system and a sufficient supply of energy at competitive prices for the economy.

Coalition agreement SPD, CDU, Greens Brandenburg

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