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Carolers are on their way

The carol singers are out and about from shortly after Christmas until the New Year. They represent the three kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. However, there will no longer be a black king.

Carol singers in Düsseldorf.
Carol singers in Düsseldorf.

Turn of the year - Carolers are on their way

For a few days now, tens of thousands of carol singers have once again been going from house to house collecting donations. Last year, more than 50,000 children and young people took part in North Rhine-Westphalia and collected over eleven million euros. Nationwide, 45.5 million euros were collected, according to the children's mission organization "Die Sternsinger" in Aachen.

This year, the motto of the Sternsinger campaign is "Together for our Earth - in Amazonia and worldwide". The focus is on the Amazon region, where slash-and-burn agriculture, deforestation and the ruthless exploitation of resources are destroying the livelihoods of the local population.

Star singing has been an intangible world cultural heritage of the UN cultural organization Unesco since 2015. Dressed up as the Three Wise Men Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, carol singers bring the church's blessing "C+M+B" into people's homes. In the past, it was customary for one of the kings to wear black make-up. However, the children's missionary organization "Die Sternsinger" now recommends against this. "In the past, if a carol singer was painted black, he was supposed to represent the "African king"," explained spokesperson Robert Baumann. Today, the equation of skin color and origin no longer works: "Black people do not automatically come from Africa." That is why make-up can be dispensed with.


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