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Bus has to brake hard <unk> Several injured

A driver fails to notice a bus in Pfronten. The bus driver manages to avoid a collision, but there are still injuries.

A driver failed to see a bus in Pfronten, resulting in multiple injuries.
A driver failed to see a bus in Pfronten, resulting in multiple injuries.

Accident in the Allgäu - Bus has to brake hard <unk> Several injured

In an accident involving a public bus in Pfronten (Ostallgaü district), several people were injured. An 82-year-old driver exiting a parking lot failed to notice the bus, according to police. The 54-year-old bus driver managed to avoid a collision but had to brake sharply. This caused an elderly woman in the bus aisle to fall and sustain injuries. Two other passengers were also lightly injured in the Monday incident. The driver is being investigated for reckless endangerment.

The investigation into the bus accident uncovered that the 82-year-old driver had a history of negligent driving incidents. Despite the accident, additional precautions are necessary to prevent such accidents from causing more severe injuries in the future.

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