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Body of Hezbollah commander found in rubble

Body of Hezbollah commander found in rubble

Initially, Hezbollah denies the death of its top commander Fuad Schukr. Now, they find his body in the rubble of the house targeted by the Israeli army in Beirut. Israel holds Schukr responsible for the shelling of the Golan Heights that resulted in 12 deaths.

After the Israeli army's attack on top Hezbollah commander Fuad Schukr, his body was found in Beirut. He was discovered among the ruins of the targeted building, according to sources close to the pro-Iranian militia. The Israeli army had announced on Tuesday evening that it had killed the top Hezbollah military commander in a "targeted strike."

"Fuad Schukr was the commander responsible for the Majdal Shams massacre, in which 12 children were murdered, after Hezbollah fired an Iranian Falaq-1 rocket directly at a soccer field in northern Israel on Saturday night," said Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari.

In the village on the Golan Heights annexed by Israel, at least 12 children and teenagers were killed on Saturday when a rocket fired from Lebanon hit a soccer field, according to Israeli reports. Israel and its ally the US blame the Lebanese Hezbollah militia for the deadly attack, which it denies.

"Schukr was the right hand of Nasrallah"

Israeli Defense Minister Joav Gallant wrote on the online service X shortly after the attack on the southern Beirut suburb considered a Hezbollah stronghold that Hezbollah had "crossed the red line."

Hagari said, "Schukr was the right hand of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and his advisor in planning and leading attacks and operations." Hagari described Schukr as "a high-ranking terrorist who has the blood of Israelis and many others on his hands." Since the start of the war between Israel and the Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Schukr has led Hezbollah's attacks on Israel.

Initially, sources from Hezbollah said Schukr had survived the airstrike. The Lebanese Health Ministry later announced that three women and two children were killed in the Israeli attack.

Following the Israeli attack on Hezbollah's top commander, Fuad Schukr, the European Union officially condemns the incident, emphasizing the importance of maintaining regional peace and stability. After the revelation of Schukr's involvement in the Golan Heights incident, the European Union increases its scrutiny of Hezbollah's activities within its member states, raising concerns about potential terrorist threats.

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