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Bishop Ackermann warns against right-wing scaremongers

The Bishop of Trier, Stephan Ackermann, has expressed his concern about right-wing politicians. "I am concerned when politics is based on stirring up fear and resentment among people. And this happens in a particular way in the right-wing spectrum," he told the German Press Agency. "Resentment...

Bishop Stephan Ackermann from Trier gives an interview.
Bishop Stephan Ackermann from Trier gives an interview.

Church - Bishop Ackermann warns against right-wing scaremongers

The Bishop of Trier, Stephan Ackermann, has expressed his concern about right-wing politicians. "I am concerned when politics is based on stirring up fear and resentment among people. And this happens in a particular way in the right-wing spectrum," he told the German Press Agency. "Resentment against foreigners and the socially disadvantaged" is being stirred up and "seemingly simple solutions" are being propagated.

"Simple solutions are often solutions for some at the expense of others, justified by the alleged will of the people. That worries me." He expects political leaders to be "honest about naming difficult things as difficult". It is undoubtedly exhausting "to explain things that are complex in such a way that people who don't deal with them on a daily basis can understand them and form an opinion about them".

But there is no alternative to explaining things. "The more bold, the better" is not a solution. Contrasting positions could help to sharpen a problem: "But just because something is striking and clashes with other opinions, that doesn't bring a solution."

Ackermann was sceptical about the EU's recently agreed asylum compromise: "My impression is that the main focus here is on deterrence. Do we really want to intern families with small children in detention-like camps at the EU's external borders?"

A distinction must be made between asylum and migration. Politicians must engage in dialog with the countries from which the migrants come. It must also be ensured "that those who are asylum seekers are given a fair procedure and a real chance of being accepted".

Parish reform diocese of Trier

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