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Berlin Foxes fail to secure fourth European championship

The Berlin squad did not qualify for the European League's final four, and they were also not successful in the league's concluding event.

Berlin's Paul Drux is disappointed.
Berlin's Paul Drux is disappointed.

Team Handball Gets Attention - Berlin Foxes fail to secure fourth European championship

The Berlin Füchse handball team experienced a disappointing loss in the European League. This is their fourth losing streak, having lost the final match against SG Flensburg-Handewitt 31:36 (14:15) at the Finals Four in Hamburg on Sunday. Previously, Berlin had won the Champions League trophy in 2015, 2018, and 2023. Their top scorers were Jerry Tollbring with 7 goals and Mathias Gidsel with 6.

The Foxes began strongly, full of energy. They capitalized on Flensburg's mistakes and were already leading 5:2 within the first eight minutes. However, as the match progressed, they encountered a challenging attack against their formidable defense. World-renowned player Gidsel, in particular, struggled to find scoring opportunities and made ineffective shots. Berlin kept missing their efforts against keeper Kevin Möller.

Keeper Dejan Milosavljev made crucial saves. Soon, Gidsel stepped up his game and became the driving force of Berlin's attack. Nevertheless, the absence of Hans Lindberg's two successful seven-meter penalties kept them in a tight spot.

In the second half, the Foxes' misfortune continued. Center player Mijajlo Marsenic received a red card after being hit in the face. A few minutes later, Flensburg's playmaker Jim Gottfridsson was also sent off for an infraction against Mathias Gidsel.

Despite tying the scores at 20:20 shortly afterwards, the Foxes continued to miss opportunities. Their slip-ups resulted in a five-goal deficit against Flensburg. Their defensive strategy failed to stop the opponent's offensive attacks.

Berlin Füchse Twitter, Schedule, Squad.

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