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Behind the "Spree killer" stands who?

Not just catering to those with a fascination for calves.

Zehntausende Läufer sind beim alljährlichen Berlin-Marathon am Start. Da bietet sich ein Krimi...
Zehntausende Läufer sind beim alljährlichen Berlin-Marathon am Start. Da bietet sich ein Krimi voll schwarzen Humors rund um die Läufergemeinde an.

Behind the "Spree killer" stands who?

"Go full speed, enjoy the party, and solve crimes" is the credo of Berlin's LKA Commissioner Peer Pedes. When a mysterious killer begins offing members of the city's running community, Pedes must rely on his marathon expertise and insights because "Only death is quicker."

"Her legs are powerhouses!" "Yes, they're athletic, but not elegantly beautiful." "Thunder thighs? I suppose that's correct." While discussing Helene Fischer's legs, her spouse, father-in-law, and brother-in-law find themselves at a disadvantage. The discussion about Helene Fischer or thunder thighs is a no-win situation. However, Pedes would gladly jump into the fray.

Pedes is a commissioner with the LKA in Berlin, also a seasoned marathon runner. In the past, he clocked in at 2 hours and 29 minutes for the 42.195 kilometers, earning him the European championship title at the police championships and the elusive record. However, he's since lost that title to his colleague from Saxony, Koslowski. It's time for Pedes to raise his sights once more, establish a new goal: Reclaiming Koslowski's record!

Yet, life seldom goes as planned: At the very first training session, a body from a Berlin bridge plummets to the ground. Death wears expensive cutting-edge running shoes. A murdered runner. This crime captures Pedes' attention, and his ambition to find the killer is racing against the clock. "Hold me back!"

Running Investigations

Pedes soon discovers the deceased belonged to the "Running Crew," a group of runners driven by extraordinary competitive spirit. State-of-the-art gear. Tremendous strength, thanks to "Just Kick," a novel energy drink drug. Miraculous feats are promising from it. A motivation for murder, Pedes thinks. With the aid of a Russian refugee, Ulyana, who's fled the Ukrainian war, Commissioner Pedes attempts to infiltrate the "Running Crew." For "Uli," this is a fantastic opportunity to make some money. It's gut-wrenching to realize her brother is in grave condition in a Kharkiv hospital, ravaged by hospital bugs. Uli desperately needs a unique antibiotic, and Pedes vows to deliver.

Next, another "Running Crew" member, Tilda, meets her demise via the same MO. The mass media gracefully dubs this killer the "Spree Murderer," creating widespread hysteria. The police forces' communication channels are in utter disarray. Relations between Pedes and Koslowski are as strained as a too-tight spandex running suit. The murdered boss and financier of the "Running Crew" also turns up dead at home. Pedes arrives a bit too late, but not too late for the assassin to deliver a stun blow. Just like a sudden blow during a marathon, there's little defense against this.

The death toll of the "Spree Murderer" continues rising, and time is running out for law enforcement. Pedes suffers professional consequences and is placed on leave after a traumatic garage altercation. But now he has the edge knowledge: he caught a glimpse of the killer's calf. Visually distinct. Clearly male.

During the Berlin Marathon, as the next "Spree Murderer" victim is unveiled, Germany's most popular running influencer, a former vocal member of the "Running Crew," Pedes must tap into his neglected marathon skills: Beat the killer, exacting revenge, and saving the latest target. Pedes has 42.195 kilometers to work with.

Runner's Heart, What More Do You Need?

Absolutely delightful! The opening lines of the book, written by the authors' union, "Achilles" (Hajo Schumacher and Michael Meisheit), provide an immediate adrenaline rush. But the narrative doesn't exhaust its entire supply of excitement at the beginning. It sustains the tempo, intensifies towards the climax, and finishes with a shocking coup de grĂ¢ce. Readers complete their journey with a smile on their faces, resembling their blissful state after a fulfilling running performance. Any remaining concern about the finish time? It's intriguing but ultimately unimportant. Ego takes a backseat while the heart and soul of the runner are relished.

"Nur der Tod ist schneller": A Tribute to Running's Extraordinary Spirit

"Nur der Tod ist schneller," published by Droemer and United Soft Media, is a captivating, entertaining thrill ride that celebrates the unique world of running. When a detective resorts to analyzing a killer's calf profile to make an arrest, it may sound strange to some. However, runners have a keen eye for the extraordinary. They can spot running shoes from a mile away and can sniff out the fanciest running gear. Their favorite color? Dixie-Klo-Blue.

But what about those pesky hooligans that live inside a runner's body? You know, the digestive system? It's a mess in there. Stomach and bladder can be quite unruly, misbehaving at the most inconvenient moments, especially when toilets are nowhere in sight. This existential dilemma is almost a non-issue for runners, but for the rest of us, "Nur der Tod ist schneller" offers solutions. It's packed with practical tips, some serious and others not so much.

In this humorous running crime novel, the two authors bring us an unforgettable literary experience that could potentially become a running classic on the same level as Ronald Reng's "Dream Catcher" or Nick Hornby's "Fever Pitch," where calf discussions are also a thing. Calf profiling is just one of the many fascinating aspects of this powerful read.

Hajo Schumacher, Bestsellerautor und Läufer mit Herz.

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