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Bavarian emissions of pollutants are falling

By 2040, the Free State will be climate-neutral. To achieve this, greenhouse gas emissions must be drastically reduced. The government report sees the country on the right path.

By 2040, greenhouse gas emissions in Bavaria must be significantly reduced to achieve the goal of...
By 2040, greenhouse gas emissions in Bavaria must be significantly reduced to achieve the goal of climate neutrality.

Climate Report 2023 - Bavarian emissions of pollutants are falling

Greenhouse gas emissions in Bavaria have significantly decreased compared to the previous year, according to the 2023 Climate Report. In 2022, a total of 87.9 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents were emitted, which is 3 million tonnes or 3.3% less than in 2021. The report was obtained by the German Press Agency in Munich. In 2021, emissions were at around 92 million tonnes.

Bavaria aims to be climate-neutral by 2040

According to Bavaria's new Climate Protection Act, the Free State aims to be climate-neutral by 2040. By 2030, greenhouse gas emissions per capita are to be reduced by 65% compared to 1990 levels, which means emissions must be reduced to 3.5 tonnes per capita by then. In 2022, emissions were still at 6.6 tonnes per capita, but compared to 2019, emissions per capita have decreased by 0.7 tonnes.

"The report shows that we are on the right track with climate protection in Bavaria. The climate protection measures are working," said Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber (Free Voters). For the state government, the triad of the Climate Protection Act's goals, the Climate Million, and the Bavarian Climate Protection Program applies. "The Bavarian Climate Protection Program is the heart of Bavarian climate policy."

Per capita emissions in Bavaria below national average

The Free State's greenhouse gas emissions per capita, thanks to its high population density, are well below the national average of 8.9 tonnes.

For the first time, the Climate Report evaluates the greenhouse gas reductions achieved through the Climate Protection Program: These amount to over 733,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 2022. However, data on emission reductions could not be collected for all measures. The Bavarian Climate Protection Program contains 110 individual measures in the five action fields of renewable energies and power supply, natural CO2 storage (forest, moors, water), climate construction and climate architecture, smart and sustainable mobility, and CleanTech, climate research, and Green IT.

The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per capita in Bavaria, despite being below the national average, has also shown a decrease, dropping by 0.7 tonnes per capita compared to 2019. The 2023 Climate Report highlights that emission mitigation initiatives, such as those outlined in the Bavarian Climate Protection Program, have contributed to the overall decrease in Emission of greenhouse gases in Bavaria.

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