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Baerbock concerned about dwindling attention for Ukraine

Images from Israel and the Gaza Strip are currently dominating news broadcasts. Could this become a problem for Ukraine, which is under attack from Russia?

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in conversation with her Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba (M)
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in conversation with her Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba (M) and NATO Secretary General Jens

Baerbock concerned about dwindling attention for Ukraine

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has warned against diminishing attention for the war in Ukraine and called for additional international efforts for a winter protection umbrella.

"We are seeing that the focus on Ukraine is currently disappearing from the public eye, and that is fatal," said the Green politician on the sidelines of a NATO meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Brussels. Russia's most recent attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine were more severe than ever before in the war. That is why we must now take a close look and put up a winter protective shield.

Attacks on the power supply

Anyone who attacks the power supply and distribution networks in winter when temperatures are below zero is counting on the fact that the electricity for the water and heating supply will no longer be available, said Baerbock, commenting on the latest Russian attacks. The aim was for people to freeze to death or die of thirst in winter because the water supply was no longer working.

Baerbock cited the delivery of Patriot air defense systems and power generators as examples of German contributions to protecting Ukrainians in winter. However, broad participation is necessary. "I am once again calling on the whole world to do everything in its power to jointly provide Ukraine with this winter protection umbrella," she said.

For the first time at foreign minister level

The consultations on Wednesday in Brussels were organized for the first time at foreign minister level in the format of the new NATO-Ukraine Council. This body is intended to facilitate closer cooperation until the conditions for Ukraine's admission to NATO are met. The NATO-Ukraine Council met for the first time in July at the NATO summit in Lithuania at the level of heads of state and government. There has also been one meeting at the level of defense ministers and several at the level of NATO ambassadors.

Baerbock said on the sidelines of the meeting that the future of Ukraine lies in the European Union and in NATO. With the NATO-Ukraine Council, the aim is now to accompany the country on its way into the defense alliance and at the same time create "a real working engine for the security of Ukraine". In concrete terms, this also means jointly tackling necessary reforms of the Ukrainian armed forces and adjustments to standards. Germany is providing a further 11.5 million euros for a NATO funding pot for this purpose.


