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Baden-Württemberg puts budgetary policy to the test

Following the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the federal budget, Baden-Württemberg is having its own financial policy legally reviewed. This was reported by the "Badische Zeitung" (Tuesday), citing Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz. "We want to ensure external, critical legal support so...

Members of the state parliament take part in a plenary session.
Members of the state parliament take part in a plenary session.

Finances - Baden-Württemberg puts budgetary policy to the test

Following the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the federal budget, Baden-Württemberg is having its own financial policy legally reviewed. This was reported by the "Badische Zeitung" (Tuesday), citing Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz. "We want to ensure external, critical legal support so that we have legal certainty in the future," the Green politician told the newspaper.

Unlike the German government, the state had not misappropriated any emergency loans from the coronavirus pandemic, according to Bayaz. However, the judges in Karlsruhe had also determined that such loans may only be used in the financial year for which they were set. Baden-Württemberg had also used credit authorizations against corona in 2022 - to combat the consequences of the pandemic. According to Bayaz, the expert opinion should now clarify whether the emergency situation must be declared anew each time for such use and whether the determination also applies to other credit authorizations.

The financial and tax law expert Hanno Kube from the University of Heidelberg is to be commissioned for the expert opinion.

The Federal Constitutional Court had declared the reallocation of corona loans to a fund for climate protection and the modernization of the economy null and void. At the same time, the judges ruled that the state may not set aside emergency loans for later years. This tears a billion-euro gap in the planning for the coming year - and in the financing of long-term projects in the coming years.

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