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At 13:38, the Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk experiences partial water and gas shortages.

At 13:38, the Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk experiences partial water and gas shortages.

13:07 Potential Overstatement of Russian Warship Count

It's suspected that Russia may only possess half the number of warships it claims, as per an account by the independent Russian news platform "Agentstvo". The Russian Defense Ministry asserts that around 400 warships are participating in the large-scale military exercise "Ocean-2024". However, "Agentstvo" references unconfirmed data from sources such as "Global Naval Powers Ranking 2024" and "", which suggest only 264 and 299 warships, respectively. Furthermore, about 50 ships and submarines from the Black Sea Fleet, which isn't participating in the exercise, are included in these figures. Historically, Russia has been known to exaggerate the size of its military forces.

12:28 Enhanced Russian Intelligence Activities Against Bundeswehr

Russian intelligence services have increased their espionage activities against German military aid to Ukraine and the Bundeswehr, according to the Military Counter-Intelligence Service (MAD) in its latest annual report. The report indicates that Russian services' strategic interest in military policy and strategy has shifted towards tactical levels. Now, Russia is highly interested in information regarding the military aid Germany is providing to Ukraine, including details about the transport routes and deployment procedures for weapons and ammunition, as well as the tactics of Western weapons systems in Ukraine. The capabilities of the Bundeswehr itself for territorial and alliance defense have also become a focus of Russian intelligence services.

11:52 Munz: "Atomic Weapons on Berlin" Threat Not Unforeseen

The possibility of Britain and the USA granting permission for Ukraine to use weapons against Russian territory is not unexpected, asserts ntv correspondent Rainer Munz. It's no surprise, then, that an atomic weapons specialist is now advocating for attacks on Berlin.

11:15 Prolonged Pondering Over Use of Long-Range Missiles

A decision on the use of Western long-range missiles in Russia by Ukraine may still be some time away. It appears highly unlikely that a decision will be made before the UN General Assembly on September 24, during which around 150 heads of state and government will convene, according to the US medium Bloomberg. The report cites British Foreign Secretary Lammy, who indicated that the UN meeting will provide the next opportunity to discuss the use of long-range missiles. According to the report, Ukrainian President Zelensky plans to reiterate this demand during the meeting. On Wednesday, Lammy and US Secretary of State Blinken visited Kyiv to discuss Zelensky's plans for attacks on Russian territory. Blinken intends to address this matter with US President Biden on Friday. British Prime Minister Starmer will also meet with Biden to discuss this issue on Friday.

10:31 Ukrainian Air Force Reports 5 Missiles and 64 Drones in Overnight Attack

The Ukrainian air force reports that the Russian military attacked Ukraine overnight using 5 missiles and 64 Iranian-origin combat drones. 44 drones were intercepted. These details cannot be independently verified. Air defense systems were also active around Kyiv to counter incoming drones.

09:59 Russian Expert Advocates for Stronger Nuclear Threat Posture

Russian influential foreign policy expert Sergei Karaganov recommends that Russia should clearly communicate its readiness to use nuclear weapons. According to him, the main objective of Russia's nuclear doctrine should be to instill fear in "all current and future enemies" that Russia is prepared to utilize nuclear weapons. Karaganov suggests that Russia could conduct a limited nuclear strike on a NATO country without provoking a full-scale nuclear war. He also claims that the US would be misleading if it guaranteed nuclear protection to its allies. Karaganov has previously advocated for Russia to consider a preemptive nuclear strike to deter its adversaries. Some Western experts believe that Karaganov serves a useful function for the Kremlin by expressing views that alarm the West and make Putin appear more moderate by comparison.

08:46 Ukraine Hopeful for US Approval of Western Long-Range Missiles

Optimism is growing in Ukraine that they may soon be permitted to carry out strikes deep into Russian territory using Western weapons. During his visit to Kyiv, US Secretary of State emphasized his commitment to ensuring that "Ukraine has everything it needs". In Britain, such developments are already hinted at:

08:04 Ukrainian Military Intelligence Reports Downing of Russian Fighter Jet

Following claims from the day prior about a missing Russian Su-30SM fighter jet, Ukrainian military intelligence now reports that Ukrainian forces successfully shot down such an aircraft during an operation in the Black Sea. The Kyiv Independent reports that the fighter jet, valued at $50 million and stationed in Crimea, was destroyed by a portable air defense system.

06:42 Ukrainians in Germany maintain their protected status during home visitsThe German Bundestag is currently discussing a proposed security package from the government, which includes restrictions on certain items and possible revocation of refugee status for travelers to their native countries. However, certain exceptions apply, such as for refugees from Ukraine.

06:04 Russian Media Alleges Trump Disadvantage in DebateSome commentators on Russian state television have suggested that Trump was unfairly treated during his debate against Kamala Harris, as reported by Kyiv Independent. They claimed that Trump was at a disadvantage. The accuracy of his statements was heavily criticized by sayers. According to many observers, Trump struggled in the debate. If Trump were to win the election, he promised to end the Ukraine conflict immediately.

04:50 Russian Attack on Konotop: Significant Damage to InfrastructureSeveral civilians were injured in a Russian attack on the city of Konotop in the Sumy region. According to the mayor, Artem Semenikhin, the city's water supply was temporarily disrupted. There is severe damage to the city's energy infrastructure, and it is unknown when private households will have electricity again. After the attack in the city's center, several fires broke out, damaging schools and residential buildings. Two people were hospitalized, with one in critical condition.

03:29 Latvia Offers More Military Aid to UkraineLatvian Prime Minister Evika Silina has announced a military assistance package for Ukraine during her visit to Kyiv. This will include armored vehicles, as confirmed by Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal. Both countries are also discussing an expansion of their defense industry collaboration, Shmyhal noted.

01:32 UK Confronts Iranian Businessman about Suspected Rocket Supplies to RussiaThe UK has summoned an Iranian businessman in response to suspected Iranian rocket supplies to Russia, as stated in a Foreign Office announcement from London. "The UK government views any transfer of ballistic rockets to Russia as a serious escalation, deserving of a significant response," the statement read. On Tuesday, Germany, France, and the UK imposed additional sanctions against Iran due to the suspected rocket supplies, primarily in the form of suspended bilateral air transport agreements. The European Union had previously cited evidence of Iranian rocket exports to Russia.

00:14 Ukraine: Russia Deploys Untrained Troops in VovchanskAccording to information from the Ukrainian military, Russia is using untrained soldiers on the Kharkiv front. Spokesman Vitalii Sarantsev for the operational tactical group of the armed forces in Kharkiv said that the troops involved in the attack operations in Vovchansk were poorly trained. It is believed that these units are a mobilization reserve sent by Russia. It remains unclear whether they are ex-prisoners or soldiers recruited from other countries, such as Central Asia, Africa, or the Middle East.

22:39 Mayor of Western Ukraine Institutes Russian-Speaking InspectorsThe mayor of the western Ukrainian city of Iwano-Frankiwsk has announced the deployment of language-control patrols due to the rising use of Russian. "This is a citizen initiative, and anyone can become a language controller," says Iwano-Frankiwsk mayor Ruslan Marzinkiw to TV station NTA. Many internally displaced persons from eastern Ukraine, whose first language is Russian, live in the city. Marzinkiw anticipates at least 100 such language controllers, with 50 already registered as volunteers. He has also established a hotline where citizens can report Russian speakers in public spaces. Due to the conflict, millions of people, particularly from Russian-speaking areas east and south of Ukraine, have sought refuge in the relatively safe Ukrainian-speaking western region of the country.

21:42 Erdogan Requests Return of Crimea from MoscowTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan demands the return of the Crimea peninsula, which was annexed by Russia, to Ukraine. "Our unwavering support for Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence includes the return of Crimea to Ukraine, as stated by international law," says Erdogan in a video message at the Crimea Platform summit. The Crimea Platform, established in 2021, aims to attract more international attention to the situation surrounding the annexed peninsula.

21:05 Report: Kyiv to Present Military Strategy to USAUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that U.S. support is vital to Ukraine's ability to repel the Russian invasion. "The plan for victory [to repel the Russian invasion] depends primarily on U.S. support and that of other partners," Zelenskyy said at a press conference in Kyiv. The plan, which details will be presented before the planned second Ukraine Peace Conference, aims to "strengthen Ukraine significantly" and "compel Russia to end the war." According to Bloomberg, the U.S. has demanded a clear strategy from Zelenskyy for striking Russia before lifting restrictions on the use of Western weapons. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and British Foreign Secretary Lammy are reportedly planning to discuss a long-term strategy for the upcoming year with Zelenskyy in Kyiv to better understand Ukraine's objectives.

20:37 Blinken Discusses Biden's Position on Weapon Deployment Against RussiaThe United States is swiftly addressing the military requirements of Ukraine, as it seeks to employ Western-sourced long-range weapons for strikes on Russian targets, as per US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. A conversation between US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer about these demands is scheduled for Friday, according to Blinken, during a joint press conference with his British counterpart David Lammy and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrij Sybiga in Kyiv. "We're moving expeditiously to guarantee that Ukraine has all the necessary tools to protect itself efficiently," Blinken further explains, followed by, "Our goal is for Ukraine to emerge victorious."

The increasing tensions between Russia and the West have led some experts to warn about the possibility of a cyber war. For instance, Sergei Karaganov, a Russian influential foreign policy expert, has suggested that Russia should communicate its readiness to use nuclear weapons as a deterrent, indicating a potential escalation that could extend beyond traditional warfare into the digital realm. Additionally, Russian intelligence services have been observed to increase their espionage activities against Germany's military aid to Ukraine and the Bundeswehr, as revealed in the Military Counter-Intelligence Service's annual report, further highlighting the potential for cyber warfare.

Given the ongoing tensions and the increasing role of technology in warfare, the potential for a cyberwar between Russia and its adversaries, including the West, cannot be disregarded. It is essential for countries to invest in cybersecurity measures and develop strategies to protect their digital infrastructure from cyber attacks than ever before.

Picture supplied by law enforcement depicts the damaged dwelling.

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