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Anti-Israeli protest camp dissolves with minimal conflicts.

Since Whit Monday, demonstrators have been establishing a protest camp at Goethe University. Despite counter-demonstrations, no significant incidents have been reported by the authorities.

Teilnehmer bauen ein propalästinensisches Protestcamp auf dem Campus der Goethe-Universität auf....
Teilnehmer bauen ein propalästinensisches Protestcamp auf dem Campus der Goethe-Universität auf. Das Camp wurde auf einer Grünfläche unter Auflagen genehmigt.

Protests held in the area. - Anti-Israeli protest camp dissolves with minimal conflicts.

Pro-Palestine protestors at Frankfurt Goethe University's Westend campus concluded without significant incidents. Participants voluntarily left as reported on Sunday night, according to a police representative.

Police estimated around 200 individuals attended the rally, while the largest counter-demonstration also had approximately 200 participants. From the police's perspective, the protest was "predominantly peaceful" throughout the course of the week, the spokesperson at the police station confirmed. On Tuesday, police confiscated the personal information of seven participants who displayed posters with defamatory content.

The camp organizers had registered their demonstration with the city administration, naming it "Against the Defamation of Palestine Solidarity in Academia and in Public Space." In the beginning, the university was alarmed by the announcement, attempting to impose restrictions via the courts. However, the court dismissed the university's attempts. During the week, Goethe University's senior leadership expressed relief that disputes on the Westend campus had not intensified.

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