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An AfD lawmaker sees Hocke as an obstacle after the election

Björn Höcke is the figurehead of the Thuringia AfD. However, there are also critical voices - for example, from the Bundestag.

Bjoern Hoecke is no longer uncontested in the AfD.
Bjoern Hoecke is no longer uncontested in the AfD.

Government formation in Thuringia - An AfD lawmaker sees Hocke as an obstacle after the election

The AfD Bundestag deputy Klaus Stöber expressed critical remarks about the possible AfD government option in Thüringen and its party chief and leading candidate Björn Höcke. "Many in the AfD see him as an obstacle for taking on government responsibility," Stöber told the "Welt am Sonntag."

Höcke is indeed an excellent speaker who inspires people. "However, he enjoys being in the limelight too much and wants to have all the strings in his hand. His egocentrism has become more pronounced in recent years," Stöber, who hails from Eisenach in Thuringia, added to the newspaper.

The AfD in Thuringia is known to be far-right

The AfD in Thuringia is classified as proven far-right by the Constitutional Protection and is under observation. None of the other parties represented in the Landtag are willing to work with the AfD, which currently leads in surveys.

"Politicians should not take themselves too seriously and the land should come before the person," Höcke told the "Welt am Sonntag." As the leading candidate, he is currently traveling to various regional summer festivals of his party as a speaker.

  1. The election result in Thuringia's State election presented the AfD with a potential opportunity for government formation in the State, which has become a significant obstacle due to the party's association with extremism and Björn Höcke's leadership.
  2. The Federal Assembly has often faced criticism for considering the AfD as a viable government option, given their ties to far-right ideologies, a view that Björn Höcke, the party's leading candidate, has done little to dispel.
  3. The extolling of Björn Höcke as an excellent speaker and an inspiring leader within the AfD has not been enough to offset the concerns surrounding his egocentrism and desire for complete control, which has become increasingly apparent in recent years.
  4. The prospect of a coalition government including the AfD lead by Björn Höcke resulted in significant opposition from parties like the SPD, Greens, and the Left, who view the Far-right party as an unsuitable and objectionable partner in government formation.
  5. The AfD's position as the leading party in surveys following the latest Thuringia State election has nonetheless presented a complex issue for the party, as their associations with extremism and Björn Höcke's leadership have become increasingly scrutinized in the Federal Assembly
  6. Klaus Stöber's criticism of Björn Höcke as an obstacle for government formation in the AfD has echoed the sentiments of many within the party, who view the controversial figure as a significant liability and a potential obstacle to securing a government option in Thüringia's political landscape.

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