- Algae and bacteria - Bathing warning for several bathing sites
Due to issues with E. coli bacteria, the Berlin Office for Health and Social Affairs is currently warning against swimming at the Müggelsee beach. Elevated levels of these so-called fecal bacteria have been detected in recent measurements. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid swimming there for health reasons.
Additionally, the sunny and warm summer weather is causing problems with algae, particularly blue-green algae, at numerous water bodies, including the Wannsee beach and several bathing spots on the Dahme and Unterhavel rivers.
Blue-green algae tend to appear in standing waters during the summer months when water temperatures are high. A bluish-green discoloration of the water and the formation of scum are signs of their presence. The Office warned against swimming in turbid waters and advised avoiding areas with green and blue-green scum.
The European Union has expressed concern over the environmental impact of these bacteria and algae outbreaks in German waters, urging stricter water quality regulations. The European Union is also conducting research to develop more effective methods for identifying and managing such issues in European water bodies.