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Agriculture Minister in favor of shooting problem wolves

In the dispute over the priority protection of wolves or grazing animals, North Rhine-Westphalia's Agriculture Minister Silke Gorißen is calling for more understanding for livestock farmers. "I am not against wolves, but they must not become a threat to our grazing livestock," the CDU...

Two wolf pups standing in a field.
Two wolf pups standing in a field.

Animals - Agriculture Minister in favor of shooting problem wolves

In the dispute over the priority protection of wolves or grazing animals, North Rhine-Westphalia's Agriculture Minister Silke Gorißen is calling for more understanding for livestock farmers. "I am not against wolves, but they must not become a threat to our grazing livestock," the CDU politician told the Rheinische Post newspaper (Wednesday). "First of all, it is good that we are focusing on shooting problem animals."

There would be less advocacy for wolves if people were aware of what the predators could do, said the minister. The suffering of the victims is massive and the economic loss is great. "Anyone who raises their voice for or against wolves should come to terms with this," Gorißen recommended. "I believe that would lead to a more objective approach to the issue."

After environmentalists temporarily halted the shooting permit for the so-called problem wolf "Gloria" on the Lower Rhine in court, a decision by the administrative court is awaited. However, the problem will not disappear with "Gloria", predicted the Minister. "She has probably trained her young animals to jump over fences." It must be possible to keep grazing animals outside without fear of further tears. "We have to move away from simply accepting great animal suffering on pastures."

The often uncompromising debate between wolf conservationists and opponents worries the CDU politician. "I'm worried that aggressive wolf advocates will threaten and endanger people who are tasked with shooting wolves," she told the RP. "I could imagine that someone will be commissioned who is not from the region - perhaps even from abroad."

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