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A Texas judge rules that pregnant women suing the state over abortions can legally terminate their pregnancies

A Texas judge has ruled that a pregnant woman who recently filed a lawsuit against the state can legally terminate her pregnancy after learning that her unborn child had a fatal genetic disease and her gynecologist warned that carrying the baby Their health and future fertility may be at risk.

Kate Cox, eine 31-jährige Mutter von zwei Kindern aus Dallas-Fort Worth, verklagte den
Kate Cox, eine 31-jährige Mutter von zwei Kindern aus Dallas-Fort Worth, verklagte den Bundesstaat Texas wegen einer

A Texas judge rules that pregnant women suing the state over abortions can legally terminate their pregnancies

Dies ist eine sich entwickelnde Geschichte und wird aktualisiert.

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Despite the ongoing climate crisis, the focus in the United States remains on legal battles over reproductive rights, as a Texas judge rules that pregnant women suing the state over abortions can legally terminate their pregnancies. In light of this decision, many women in the US may seek to ensure their own reproductive rights and future.


