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A quarter of households with incomes below 1,500 euros

Shortly before Christmas, the State Statistical Office takes stock and presents its yearbook. It contains information about the lives of Saxony-Anhalt residents: how much do they earn, what do they spend and what about bankruptcies?

Euro banknotes lying on a table.
Euro banknotes lying on a table.

Statistics - A quarter of households with incomes below 1,500 euros

Private households in Saxony-Anhalt had a net income of 3303 euros per month last year. Just under a quarter (24.9 percent) had less than 1,500 euros at their disposal, according to the State Statistical Office in Halle on Tuesday. In 641,400 out of a total of more than 1.11 million households, one employed person provided the main income. In April 2022, the average gross monthly earnings excluding special payments for full-time employment amounted to 3382 euros. Employees without a vocational qualification would have earned an average of 2464 euros, those with a qualification 2952 euros.

According to the statisticians, private households spent 2453 euros per month on consumption last year. A good half of this was spent on basic necessities, including housing, energy, food and clothing. Despite the 7.3 percent increase in consumer prices in 2022 compared to 2021, private consumer spending only increased by 2.7 percent in the same period, it said. "Presumably, this was mainly due to a change in consumer behavior in the food and beverage sector."

Despite the economic challenges of 2022, the number of insolvencies in Saxony-Anhalt fell by 93 cases to 2,944, the State Statistical Office added. The number of applications for consumer insolvencies fell slightly by 1.7 percent to 2138. A total of 298 corporate insolvencies were recorded, 14 more than in the previous year.

Press release

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