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A European arrest warrant has been issued for Christina Block - "Block House" founder speaks out

Following the alleged kidnapping of two of Christina Block's children, a European arrest warrant has reportedly been issued for the "Block House" heiress. What this means - and what Christina's father, "Block House" founder Eugen Block, says about the case.

Escalated custody dispute - A European arrest warrant has been issued for Christina Block - "Block House" founder speaks out

The case surrounding the "Block House" heiress and Hamburg entrepreneur Christina Block continues to unfold: The "Bild" newspaper reported on Wednesday that Denmark had issued a European arrest warrant for the 50-year-old. Der Spiegel " also had information that Danish authorities had issued a European arrest warrant for Christina Block, the magazine wrote on Thursday.

There is no official confirmation of this from the authorities. "In order to protect ongoing investigations and to safeguard personal rights, no further information can be provided at present," the Hamburg public prosecutor's office said. The Danish prosecution authorities also refused to confirm or deny the reports, and the Danish police also refused to comment.

Arrest warrant for Christina Block?

The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is an arrest warrant "issued by a national judicial authority for persons accused of a serious criminal offense that carries a prison sentence of at least one year", according to the Federal Criminal Police Office. With such an arrest warrant, one EU member state asks another to arrest and extradite fugitives.

According to "Bild", the arrest warrant was converted into a residence order by the Hamburg public prosecutor's office. Block must therefore regularly inform the authorities of her whereabouts.

New details on alleged abduction

The "Hamburger Abendblatt " newspaper provides new details about the alleged kidnapping. According to the newspaper, eight men rented two cars at Hamburg airport and presented Israeli passports. The cars were returned as agreed, but have since been seized by the police to secure evidence. However, there is no trace of the suspects. Der Spiegel" also reported that Israeli passports had been presented for the rental contracts.

The Danish newspaper "Jydske Vestkysten" reported that a preliminary hearing was held in absentia against one or more people at the court in the southern Danish city of Sønderborg on Tuesday. The hearing took place behind closed doors but, according to the newspaper, is connected to the alleged abduction of the Block children. However, it is unclear whether the European arrest warrant and the court hearing are connected, according to "Jydske Vestkysten". As the hearing was held in camera, the identities of the individuals are also unknown.

Eugen Block: "A lot of heartache"

Eugen Block, founder of "Block House" and father of Christina Block, has now also commented on the case. He confirmed to the "Hamburger Abendblatt" that his grandchildren were now staying with his daughter, but that he had not yet seen them again. He had been in Denmark himself before Christmas and had wanted to deliver presents for the children. "With an HSV jersey and a soccer for the boy," he told the newspaper. "But I was repeatedly refused entry." The package finally ended up at the police station and was opened there. They probably suspected it contained something "dangerous". According to the Abendblatt, he did not want to comment directly on the accusations against his daughter. However, the situation with his grandchildren had caused him "a lot of heartache".

The Hamburg police had previously announced that they had visited the family on Wednesday evening. "We were able to see for ourselves that the children are with Mrs. Block and that they appear to be physically well," explained a police spokeswoman. The youth welfare office was also involved in the visit. The police and public prosecutor's office did not want to provide any further information.

The father of the two children was attacked by unknown persons in southern Denmark on New Year's Eve. According to the Danish police, the perpetrators dragged the 10-year-old boy and the 13-year-old girl into a car and drove off with them. They are being investigated for assault and deprivation of liberty, the Danish police said in a statement.

Read also:

  1. The Hamburg police visited Christina Block and her children at her residence, as stated by a police spokeswoman, ensuring the children's wellbeing.
  2. The 'Hamburger Abendblatt' reported that Eugen Block, Christina's father and the founder of 'Block House', had previously attempted to deliver presents for his grandchildren in Denmark but was repeatedly denied entry.
  3. The Danish public prosecutor's office refused to confirm or deny the reports regarding a European arrest warrant issued for Christina Block, while the Danish police also remained silent on the matter.
  4. According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is an arrest warrant issued by a national judicial authority for individuals accused of a serious criminal offense carrying a prison sentence of at least one year, enabling EU member states to arrest and extradite fugitives.
  5. In light of the alleged abduction of her children, Christina Block's grandchildren are now staying with her, according to Eugen Block's comments to 'Hamburger Abendblatt'.
  6. Danish authorities are investigating an assault and deprivation of liberty incident involving Christina Block's children's father, who was attacked and abducted by unknown individuals in southern Denmark on New Year's Eve, as reported by Danish police.
  7. The Children's Rights Commissioner of the European Union has expressed concern over the current situation, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the best interests of the children and demanding prompt and transparent investigations into the allegations.


