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11.11. - Often rowdy in Cologne, peaceful in Düsseldorf

A vehicle from the waste management company of the city of Cologne cleans a street near Zü
A vehicle from the waste management company of the city of Cologne cleans a street near Zülpicher Platz after the start of the new carnival season on

11.11. - Often rowdy in Cologne, peaceful in Düsseldorf

After the start of the new carnival season, the police in the Rhineland have drawn an initial balance for the carnival strongholds of Cologne and Düsseldorf, where tens of thousands celebrated exuberantly. While the traditional Hoppeditzerwache in front of the town hall in the state capital was lively but peaceful, according to a police spokeswoman, there were closures in Cologne due to overcrowding and a number of incidents such as bodily harm and damage to property.

Although the majority of revelers in Cologne enjoyed the day peacefully, the police were put under greater strain from the afternoon onwards, according to the incident report, because there were more and more drunks. By late Saturday evening, the officers had issued 63 bans. According to preliminary findings, the police have so far filed 96 criminal charges, mainly for assault, pickpocketing and sexual offenses. Two suspects were provisionally arrested. 26 people spent the night in police custody. According to a spokesperson, further figures from the carnival night were not initially available for Cologne on Sunday.

Due to overcrowding, the police temporarily closed Cologne's main train station on Saturday. In the evening, police officers identified a 20-year-old security employee who was suspected of having demanded money for admission to Zülpicher Straße, according to the incident report. The officers found several thousand euros in cash on him and investigations are ongoing.

According to media reports, at least one person is said to have climbed a lamp post and made the Hitler salute. A police spokesperson had no information in this regard on Sunday, the state security service is investigating. Against this backdrop, a good 50 people gathered in the afternoon for a vigil in front of the Cologne synagogue under the slogan "Carnivalists against the right".

According to the incident report, a 24-year-old man massively insulted police officers on Zülpicher Straße in the afternoon. He responded to the ID check with punches, one officer suffered a shoulder injury and was no longer fit for duty. A little later, according to the police, around ten people were beating and kicking a man lying on the ground at Aachener Weiher.

In Düsseldorf, a police spokeswoman spoke on Sunday of mostly peaceful and exuberant carnival revelers - and of a larger police presence in the old town around the awakening of the Hoppeditz. The day and night were very busy. However, there was "nothing outstanding that was different from other well-attended evenings in the old town".

Despite the numerous incidents and arrests, the customs officials in Cologne had a relatively calm carnival, with few smuggling attempts reported. however, on the night of the carnival, emergency services were called to a house party due to a reported case of drug overdose, highlighting the potential for crime and emergencies even during such festive occasions.

In light of the incidents in Cologne, the customs and emergency services in Düsseldorf have increased their vigilance, monitoring entry points and public spaces closely to prevent any crime or emergencies during their carnival celebrations.




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