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Worry over Wolfgang Joop follows Germany's Next Topmodel finale.

Fashion Creator Appears Perplexed

Wolfgang Joop's appearance in the GNTM final caused speculation about his health.
Wolfgang Joop's appearance in the GNTM final caused speculation about his health.

Worry over Wolfgang Joop follows Germany's Next Topmodel finale.

Heidi Klum revealed Lea from Düsseldorf and Jermaine from Kassel as the winners of "Germany's Next Topmodel" (GNTM) 2024 during the finale. But the next day, the news wasn't only about the victors but also about renowned German designer Wolfgang Joop. The 79-year-old, who previously had a designated spot beside Klum in the GNTM jury, was in the studio as a visitor and developed outfits for the contestants in one of the many choice moments of the program. In a later conversation with Klum, Joop's preferred model prompted curiosity for numerous GNTM spectators. Joop produced a puzzling impression on many viewers with his forgetfulness, veering off course frequently, and seeming extremely disoriented and unsteady.

On social media, anxious comments like, "How could they put Wolfgang Joop on live TV like this? He appears confused and not quite there," "Wolfgang Joop looks strange, is he okay?" or "Wolfgang Joop seems to have taken a hit" were posted. Some expressed respect for Joop: "I greatly respect Wolfgang Joop, but he didn't seem to enjoy this appearance." Criticism was also aimed at the show's creators: "I can't understand why they'd demean Wolfgang Joop with this live performance. He's elderly and evidently not in great shape and it's not helping him."

Even though folks were debating Wolfgang Joop's situation, a few found it amusing as well: "We'll all grow old. I'm not making jokes and think it's nice that he's still around."

It seemed like Joop had departed the studio following his chat with Klum. He was no longer visible among the spectators, while other designers, such as Esther Perbandt from Berlin or Kilian Kerner, both part of the GNTM family, continued to observe the show from their seats.

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