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Woman gives birth to twins at the age of 70

Medical sensation in Uganda: a 70-year-old woman has given birth to twins in the capital Kampala. This makes her the oldest mother in Africa.

Bodies for babies (symbolic image)
Bodies for babies (symbolic image)

Uganda - Woman gives birth to twins at the age of 70

A 70-year-old woman in Uganda has given birth to twins. Safina Namukwaya is now the oldest mother in Africa, said doctor Edward Tamale Sali, who looked after Namukwaya during the pregnancy and birth, on Thursday. The babies - a boy and a girl - were born in a clinic in the capital Kampala, where Namukwaya had undergone fertility treatment. Mother and children are in good health.

Doctor: "extraordinary achievement"

"I don't know how to express my joy right now," Namukwaya, who lives in the rural Masaka region around 120 kilometers west of Kampala, told the AFP news agency on the phone. At her age, she was no longer expected to "get pregnant and give birth or take care of a baby," she said. The twins were therefore a "miracle" for her. Her doctor spoke of an "extraordinary achievement".

Namukwaya said she had already given birth to a girl in 2020 - after previously being unable to have children and being vilified as a "cursed woman".

Lesen Sie auch:

The woman, Safina Namukwaya, hails from Uganda's rural Masaka region. Her extraordinary achievement of giving birth to twins at the age of 70 has made headlines across Africa. The babies, a boy and a girl, were delivered in a clinic in the capital Kampala, where she had sought fertility treatment.


