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Woidke: Schäuble has shaped the history of the Federal Republic of Germany

Brandenburg's Minister-President Dietmar Woidke has paid tribute to the deceased former Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble. "Wolfgang Schäuble was an opinionated member of parliament, a highly competent and extremely committed politician, someone who took his duty as a representative of the...

Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke.
Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke.

Parties - Woidke: Schäuble has shaped the history of the Federal Republic of Germany

Brandenburg's Minister-President Dietmar Woidke has paid tribute to the deceased former Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble. "Wolfgang Schäuble was an opinionated member of parliament, a highly competent and extremely committed politician, someone who took his duty as a representative of the people very seriously," he said in a statement in Potsdam on Wednesday. Schäuble died on Tuesday evening at the age of 81 after a long and serious illness.

Schäuble was "a democrat through and through", said the SPD politician. "And that makes him a true role model for us today and for future generations. We in the state of Brandenburg will honor his memory."

Schäuble had helped shape the history of the Federal Republic of Germany in many different offices and functions. His work has "left a deep mark on the history of our country". Schäuble's achievements as the longest-serving member of parliament in his many years of commitment to German democracy are unparalleled. "For me, his name will always be associated above all with German unity, the unification treaty between the two German states bears his signature," said Woidke. "Many people in East Germany will also remember him fondly for this, as he did a lot to ensure that what they fought for in the peaceful revolution could come true."

In a statement, Ulrike Liedtke(SPD), President of the State Parliament, described Schäuble as a passionate parliamentarian, an indomitable democrat, a great European and a friend of Brandenburg. "As a convinced constitutional patriot, Wolfgang Schäuble showed great interest in Germany growing together and in East German biographies. We will miss his political vision, his curiosity and his humor."

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