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Wind energy provides 13.8% of the power fed into the power network

Greater amounts of wind energy were supplied to the power grid last year, with expansion continuing. The majority of these turbines can be found in Münsterland, South Westphalia, and the Eifel region.

Wind turbines in a field.
Wind turbines in a field.

Other forms of energy sources - Wind energy provides 13.8% of the power fed into the power network

Wind power made up 13.8% of the North Rhine-Westphalia power grid's total supply in 2023, amounting to 13,051 gigawatt-hours. Representing a 5 percentage point increase over the previous year, this information was shared by the Düsseldorf Statistical Office on Tuesday. Wind energy accounted for more than half (56.2%) of the 23,223 gigawatt-hours of renewable energy generated. The total energy supply from all sources, which was 94,826 gigawatt-hours in the previous year, marked the lowest figure in a year-on-year comparison since 2018.

The Statistical Office noted that the growth of wind energy facilities in North Rhine-Westphalia is persistent. Münsterland, South Westphalia, and the Eifel had the most wind energy facilities per 1,000 inhabitants.

Press release: IT NRW - Wind energy facilities in municipalities

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