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Weather conditions in North Rhine-Westphalia are varying, featuring mild temperatures.

Western Germany experiences an extended wait for summer, featuring clouds, showers, and intermittent sunshine. Compared to southern Germany, the region will see fewer torrential downpours.

The sun shines through the clouds.
The sun shines through the clouds.

Predicted weather conditions - Weather conditions in North Rhine-Westphalia are varying, featuring mild temperatures.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the next few days will bring varying weather conditions with clouds, occasional rain, and moderate temperatures. That's according to Germany's Weather Service (DWD). On Tuesday, skies will be mostly cloudy with a few showers expected during the evening. Largely rain-free, temperatures will reach between 19 and 22 degrees.

On Wednesday, showers are expected to spread from the northwest to the southeast, turning the day less enjoyable. However, by noon, rain will cease, giving way to sunnier skies. Maximum temperature will be around 18 degrees, while at higher altitudes, it will likely be around 12 degrees. Wednesday night will bring an end to these showers.

Thursday is predicted to have a mix of sun and cloud cover. The day will remain dry with temperatures hitting a maximum of 18 degrees.

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In alignment with the weather forecast, residents of North Rhine-Westphalia should anticipate a mixture of clouds, rain, and temperate conditions over the next couple of days. As per Germany's Weather Service, the temperature in NRW will hover around 19 to 22 degrees on Tuesday, despite occasional rain showers in the evening. Furthermore, the predicted temperatures for Wednesday and Thursday in NRW are expected to remain relatively cool, with a maximum of 18 degrees on both days, albeit with varying weather patterns.

