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Vetter, a pharmaceutical firm, moves to Saarlouis.

About two years ago, Ford declared the closure of their production facility in Saarlouis. However, it now seems there is hope for the site and the addition of 2000 new jobs.

The logo of the pharmaceutical company Vetter is attached to a building.
The logo of the pharmaceutical company Vetter is attached to a building.

Medicine manufacturing companies - Vetter, a pharmaceutical firm, moves to Saarlouis.

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Saarland's Minister President Anke Rehlinger (SPD) considers the establishment of Vetter, a successful pharmaceutical service provider, in Saarlouis a "favorable turn of events":

Vetter will construct a production facility on the Ford site in Saarlouis, employing over 2,000 individuals and pouring in several hundred million euros in the coming years. This project utilizes 50 hectares of previously unused Ford land, and the company will take over the site of the final assembly after Ford's Ford Focus production ends in November 2025.

The company was established in 1950 by pharmacist Helmut Vetter and specializes in producing liquid and freeze-dried medications that are filled into syringes and other injection systems. They are renowned as market leaders in this field. With more than 6,300 employees worldwide, Vetter currently boasts a growing revenue of over one billion euros, doubling their turnover since 2016.

From the perspective of Saarland's Economic Minister Jürgen Barke, this industry will bolster the region's industrial landscape and create substantial benefits in terms of employment, innovation, and value creation. "This is a burgeoning industry with a high significance for our economy," Barke emphasized. "We expect this location's reputation to shine once more in the global market, considering we outdid other German and European locations in this site competition."

Udo J. Vetter, chairman of Vetter's supervisory board and a member of the shareholder family, regards Saarlouis as the ideal location for expanding their capacity. With a workforce of 2,000, they seek to provide employment opportunities in a forward-looking industry. "As a family-owned enterprise, our core values are sustainability, reliability, and progressive planning, all for the well-being of patients worldwide, our business, and this beautiful region."

The Ford site's land acquisition process involves a notarial auction notice, with negotiations for the purchase contract ongoing. Concurrently, a blueprint for the separation of site infrastructure is being designed. Building work at the new production site is anticipated to commence in January 2025, with a probable production startup by 2030, given the sheer scope of the building project.

Back in 2018, Ford declared that they would allocate the new electric car platform's production to their plant in Valencia, Spain, ultimately sealing the Focus production's fate in Saarlouis. The possibility of a Chinese manufacturer taking over the plant fell through in October, after lengthy negotiations. In February, Ford employees accepted a social tariff contract which ensures 1,000 out of 3,750 employees will remain employed until 2032, and they may transfer to Vetter after Focus production ceases in November 2025.

The Ford management in Saarlouis communicated in a letter that the sale of the land would not affect the guaranteed 1,000 jobs. They mentioned that both businesses would co-exist but maintain separate operations.

Barke foresees that many former Ford employees could become a part of Vetter's workforce. A seamless transition to Vetter is in the works, as well as available training and qualification programs. The government will also provide financial assistance for business investments, energy efficiency, environmental protection, and innovative projects.

According to the works council chairman Markus Thal, any job opportunities in Saarland are worth celebrating. "I'm optimistic that all the promised measures will be made a reality," he added. Meanwhile, Timo Ahr, Deputy District Chairman of the DGB Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland, believes this settlement adds to the reassurance of the region's prospects.

Marc Speicher, the CDU faction's industrial policy representative in the state parliament and an MP from Saarlouis, sees this as a "glimmer of hope" for a portion of the Röderberg. This partial usage of the area aligns with the CDU faction's demands for a diversified industry mix and greater support for small and medium-sized enterprises. Ultimately, the comprehensive reuse of the Röderberg's largest area remains a shared endeavor between the state and the city.

Jörg Caspar, managing director of the Saarland Chamber of Labor, cited this healthcare industry boom as a testament to its forward-looking nature in Saarland. One in six residents already works in this field. Preparing potential employees to join the workforce is now a priority. "We have the tools for this in the country," he said.

Vetter's announcement triggers the creation of a future-focused industry with potential to benefit not only their business and employees, but patients worldwide. A maturing partnership with Saarlouis could mark a new dawn for the region's economic prosperity.

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Read also:

  1. The decision for Vetter to establish its production facility in Saarlouis, Saarland, was welcomed by the SPD's Anke Rehlinger as a significant boost for the region.
  2. The construction of Vetter's new facility will take place on the former Ford site in Saarlouis, utilizing around 50 hectares of unused land.
  3. The pharmaceutical service provider, with its headquarters in Upper Swabia, Germany, plans to employ over 2,000 individuals at the Saarland facility.
  4. Vetter, a globally recognized name in the pharmaceuticals industry, specializes in producing liquid and freeze-dried medications, particularly for injection systems.
  5. By investing several hundred million euros in Saarlouis, Vetter aims to further expand its operations and contribute to the local economy and employment in Baden-Württemberg.
  6. With the potential for many former Ford employees to join Vetter's workforce, the future of Saarlouis's industrial landscape appears promising, especially considering the sector's growing importance in Europe.



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