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USA and EU impose fresh sanctions against Russia.

The G7 meeting in Italy is headlined by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, with the USA spearheading efforts with substantial funding and additional penalties against Russia. The EU seeks to avoid being left out of the picture.

Charles Michel (l-r), Fumio Kishida, Rishi Sunak, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der...
Charles Michel (l-r), Fumio Kishida, Rishi Sunak, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, Joe Biden, Giorgia Meloni and Olaf Scholz watch parachutists at the G7 meeting.

Seven nations convene at a meeting to discuss international issues. - USA and EU impose fresh sanctions against Russia.

Even if Donald Trump wins the election in November, Ukraine can expect ongoing financial and military support from the West. US President Joe Biden brought up a $1 billion aid package during the G7 summit in Sicily at Russia's expense. The seven leaders presented a unified front.

The new spending is a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin that "we don't back down," according to Biden at a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. "He (Putin) cannot divide us. We'll stand with Ukraine until they've won this war." The US intends to offer $50 billion in loans, while the other G7 countries are still determining their contributions.

Before the meeting in Italy, the US imposed new sanctions on Russia. The European Union is preparing to quickly impose additional penalties. There are suspicions that Trump could significantly alter the US's stance toward Russia if he manages to overturn Biden's election victory from four years ago. Currently, he leads in the polls.

A Dozen Leaders - Including the Pope

Pope Francis: As the first religious leader in the G7's almost 50-year history, Pope Francis met with the other leaders. The 87-year-old traveled by helicopter from Rome to the summit location in southern Italy and was greeted there by the host, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The two then rode in a golf cart to meet the other attendees.

Francis attends a working session on Artificial Intelligence in the afternoon. He also has a series of one-on-one meetings scheduled. In addition to the Pope, over a dozen other heads of state and government are in attendance, including from India, Brazil, and Turkey.

The summit at a luxury hotel on the Adriatic Sea runs until Saturday. The leaders have largely agreed on a closing declaration, as host Meloni announced. The group consists of the US, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, France, Italy, and Germany. As guests, the heads of state and government from India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are expected.

Agreement Without Security Guarantees

The US aids Ukraine through the Security Agreement, even in the event of future attacks. The deal includes military support, cooperation in the arms industry, and the exchange of intelligence services information. Its purpose is to help Ukraine join NATO. The US doesn't offer security guarantees or promise to deploy US troops for Ukraine's defense. Kiev has similar agreements with over a dozen countries, including Germany.

A Clear Message to Putin: Clear, Clear, and Costly

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) viewed the new billions in aid as a direct message to Putin. "Putin's plan is obvious: He wants to keep pushing his war as long as everyone else gives up on supporting Ukraine. And that plan has failed today," Scholz said.

Meloni expressed support for Ukraine: "This was an unexpected outcome, which I am particularly proud of." EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described the move as a clear message: Putin will be shown that the main cost of the damage he has caused will not fall on European taxpayers, but rather on Russia itself.

New EU Sanctions against Russia Nearly Ready

Von der Leyen also predicted a rapid agreement among EU nations on new sanctions against Russia. "We're almost there," she told dpa and other media. With the new penalty measures, particularly preventing the circumvention of existing sanctions, should be a priority.

The US has announced new sanctions against supporters of Russia's aggressive war, which will also impact Chinese companies. China is considered a crucial ally of Russia and assists Moscow on the international stage.

Tense Relations with China

Biden blamed China for Russia's war. "By the way, China doesn't provide weapons, but rather the ability to produce them and the technology required for that. It's actually helping Russia."

China is creating problems for the G7 not just with Russia, but also due to its difficult trade relations. The G7 criticizes China in their joint declaration for creating overcapacities with unfair practices like subsidies and distorting competition. This poses a threat to the economic resilience of G7 countries, including jobs. China is also under threat of further fines indirectly.

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