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Urgent Assistance Needed for Wasp Sting Cases, Call for Emergency Responders

Experiencing medical issues following wasp stings has become more prevalent in South Saxony lately. Nonetheless, professionals underscore that wasps usually pose no threat in the majority of situations.

Upon being struck by a wasp, you'll experience an acute discomfort. Generally speaking, these...
Upon being struck by a wasp, you'll experience an acute discomfort. Generally speaking, these stings pose minimal threat to the majority of individuals.

- Urgent Assistance Needed for Wasp Sting Cases, Call for Emergency Responders

Increased stinging incidents and severe reactions: In the recent weeks, there's been a surge in individuals from Saxony's southwest seeking treatment for wasp stings. The number of cases has significantly risen and is higher than in previous years, as confirmed by Dr. Bernd Krämer, medical director of the rescue association Saxony's southwest. "It appears there are more wasp stings, more severe cases, and consequently, more interventions by the rescue service." No data from prior years is available for comparison. The association is responsible for the districts of Vogtland and Zwickau.

Similar trends are being observed at the Vogtland Clinic Plauen. According to Chief Physician Matthias Wißgott, there have been over 110 wasp and insect sting incidents treated by mid-August, compared to 51 last year. "August is typically the month with the highest number of such incidents." After a sting, some individuals experience more severe symptoms such as intense local swelling and allergic shock. Some individuals were hospitalized.

Generally, wasp stings are harmless

According to Wißgott, wasp stings are usually not harmful to most people. However, in instances of stings in the mouth area or severe allergic reactions, immediate engagement of the rescue service or emergency room visit is recommended.

Outside of Saxony's southwest, there doesn't seem to be an increase in wasp sting injuries compared to previous years. The Dresden Fire and Disaster Protection Office has not reported an increase in deployments for this reason. In the district of Nordsachsen, no noticeable increase in wasp-related rescue service deployments was observed during the summer, as stated by Alexander Bley from the Torgau district office. At the Chemnitz Clinic, the severity of the patients arriving at the emergency room with wasp stings has remained the same, according to a spokesperson. "It's particularly problematic if the stings are in the mouth or even in the throat area. We've had such cases, but we've also had them in the past."

Advice for managing wasp conflicts

In general, wasps have a negative reputation, but conflicts between humans and animals can often be avoided with proper advice, explained Sabrina Rötsch, offering telephone advice on wasps and hornets for Nabu Saxony. At the moment, the animals might appear aggressive, but "they're just hungry." With the approaching end of summer, the wasp season will also end.

During winter, the wasp colony dies, leaving only the queen alive. Rötsch handles over 200 telephone consultations per year, mostly concerning wasp, bee, or hornet nests on buildings. Taking Saxony as a whole, 2024 is far from a wasp infestation: "Due to the late frosts in spring, many animals have perished, and the populations have even decreased."

In the region of Zwickau, the rescue association has also noted an increase in wasp sting cases, aligning with the trends observed in the Vogtland district.

The Vogtland district, which includes Zwickau, is among the areas in Saxony's southwest experiencing a higher number of wasp sting incidents compared to previous years.

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