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Unknown persons tear off part of man's ear

A man lies bleeding on the ground. Nearby, the police find a piece of his ear torn off.

A man has had part of his ear torn off in Wiesbaden. (symbolic photo)
A man has had part of his ear torn off in Wiesbaden. (symbolic photo)

Wiesbaden - Unknown persons tear off part of man's ear

Unknown individuals are reported to have attacked a man in Wiesbaden and torn off a part of his ear. Witnesses found the 26-year-old man lying on the ground in the city center on the night before Friday, as the police reported. According to initial findings, he had been attacked by two or three men on his way home from a bar and injured in the ear and hand. The police found a piece of his ear on the ground while he was being treated in the ambulance. He could not remember any further details. The man was taken to the hospital for further treatment. The police are searching for the unknown individuals and are asking for witness tips.

The incident occurred in Wiesbaden, which is located in the German state of Hesse. The police are intensifying their search for the criminals responsible for the assault, as the victim was attacked in the city center and seriously injured, with parts of his ear torn off.

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