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Unemployment figure barely down - Hansen: "Party is over"

Saxony's labor market is already in frostbite ahead of winter. The bottom line for November is a slight drop in the number of unemployed. However, there is a lack of stimulus from the economy itself.

The logo of the Federal Employment Agency on a building.
The logo of the Federal Employment Agency on a building.

Statistics - Unemployment figure barely down - Hansen: "Party is over"

Saxony must prepare for higher unemployment figures. Unemployment has already fallen only minimally in November, unlike usual. With the early onset of winter, weather-dependent industries are now scaling back their activities more quickly, explained the head of the state directorate of the Federal Employment Agency, Klaus-Peter Hansen, on Thursday. Unemployment is clearly expected to rise in the coming months. This is because many fixed-term contracts expire at the end of the year and the Christmas business ends. Declines are not expected until around Easter at the earliest.

In November itself, around 130,000 people were registered as unemployed in Saxony. According to the figures, this was 520 fewer than in October, but around 9,900 more than a year ago. The unemployment rate was reported at 6.1 percent.

A closer look at the figures shows that even the slight decline is not due to the economy, but to the activities of the employment agencies and job centers. Underemployment, which also includes people who are completing further vocational training and integration measures and are therefore not counted as unemployed, rose to a total of 168,500 compared to October. According to the figures, around 7,300 people escaped unemployment in November thanks to a new job on the primary labor market; however, this was offset by almost 8,600 men and women who lost their jobs and had to register as unemployed.

Companies are still reluctant to register new jobs, said Hansen. "The economy continues to weaken, the economy is weak." This is also reflected in the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions. "We are coming from peak employment levels," explained Hansen. "But the party is over there too." According to projections, the figure in September was 1.6575 million - 2600 fewer than a year ago. Jobs in trade, construction and manufacturing in particular have been lost. "That worries us," says Hansen.

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