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Underground vs Overground Power Lines: An Open Discussion

High-voltage lines provide a less expensive option than underground cables but may be viewed negatively due to their visual impact. What will be the preferred choice in the coming days? Views of Hesse's Energy Minister?

Kaweh Mansoori (SPD), Hesse's Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport, Housing and Rural...
Kaweh Mansoori (SPD), Hesse's Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport, Housing and Rural Areas, takes part in the plenary session of the Hessian state parliament.

Energi - Underground vs Overground Power Lines: An Open Discussion

The Energy Minister of Hessen, Kaweh Mansoori (SPD), has shown his support for an open conversation regarding if electricity is more efficiently delivered through underground cables or overhead lines. He responded to a query from the German Press Agency in Wiesbaden, stating, "As a state in Germany with a strong economy, Hessen has a vested interest in affordable electricity prices and network fees."

He continued, "In the past, it was believed that underground cabling was vital to promote acceptance for the construction of these lines. However, we're now observing that broad corridors for underground cables are considered a burden in numerous locations." This change in perspective, as well as the considerable lower cost of overhead lines, necessitates a frank dialogue on when underground cables make sense in the future and when overhead lines are the better option.

Mansoori urged that the ongoing debate on the progression of electricity prices not be limited to just the discussion of underground cabling and overhead lines. Moreover, he suggested that the federal government provide financial assistance, likening transmission lines to federal highways as public infrastructure and ensuring they are treated equivalently in terms of funding. "With at least part of the financing provided by federal funds, German industry's competitiveness would significantly improve due to reduced electricity prices," Mansoori concludes.

Read also:

  1. The ongoing discussion about the most efficient method for delivering electricity in Hesse, led by Energy Minister Kaweh Mansoori from the SPD, has also sparked interest in Wiesbaden, as reported by the German Press Agency.
  2. Despite initial beliefs that underground cables are necessary to promote the acceptance of electricity infrastructure, Hesse is now considering the burdensome nature of broad corridors for underground cabling in various locations.
  3. In a move to improve German industry's competitiveness, Mansoori advocates for federal funding assistance for transmission lines, viewing them as crucial as federal highways in terms of public infrastructure.
  4. The SPD-led Energy Ministry in Hesse is currently examining the cost-effectiveness of energy distribution through underground cables and overhead power lines, inviting discussions across the region, including Wiesbaden.

