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Ukraine emerges as a source of tension between Moscow and Yerevan.

Armenian officials based in Bucha.

Ukraine becomes a point of contention between Moscow and Yerevan
Ukraine becomes a point of contention between Moscow and Yerevan

Ukraine emerges as a source of tension between Moscow and Yerevan.

Tensions between Russia and Armenia have worsened due to a diplomatic dispute relating to Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Officially, Russia has sent a complaint to Armenia's foreign ministry after officials from Armenia visited the Ukrainian city of Bucha, as mentioned by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on her Telegram channel. The visit was deemed a "hostile act" by Moscow.

Bucha, a suburb of Kiev, became a focus of global attention when over 400 civilian bodies were found there following the departure of Russian troops in March 2022—presumed victims of Russian occupation forces. Armenian representatives had recently paid a visit to Bucha, voicing solidarity with Ukraine against "Russian aggression." Among the group was Armenia's ambassador to Kiev, Vladimir Karapetian.

Russia has historically regarded Armenia as its protector and maintains a military base in the former Soviet republic in the Caucasus. Relations have grown tense since the installation of the pro-Western government of Nikol Pashinyan in Yerevan.

The Armenian government perceived a sense of neglect by Russia during its war with Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Since being defeated in the conflict, Armenia has been reassessing its membership in the Moscow-led military alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

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