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Two ships collide on the Kiel Canal

Two oncoming cargo ships have collided on the Kiel Canal. The collision occurred on Thursday morning during a change of canal pilot on board the "Fri Sea" near Schülp near Rendsburg (Rendsburg-Eckernförde district), as the police reported on Friday.

Collision - Two ships collide on the Kiel Canal

Two oncoming cargo ships have collided on the Kiel Canal. The collision occurred on Thursday morning during a change of canal pilot on board the "Fri Sea" near Schülp near Rendsburg (Rendsburg-Eckernförde district), as the police reported on Friday.

The side superstructure on the bow of the oncoming "Elbwave" - the so-called bulwark - collided with the lookout on the bridge house of the "Fri Sea". As a result, the side of the lookout was severely deformed and the bulwark on the bow of the "Elbwave" was slightly deformed.

According to the police, no people were injured in the collision. No liquids escaped from the ships either. The water police began an investigation on board the ships. Both ships were able to sail on during the course of Thursday. The exact cause of the collision was initially unknown.

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