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Tusk: Poland will take a leading position in Europe

Pro-European government

Tusk: Poland will take a leading position in
Tusk: Poland will take a leading position in

Tusk: Poland will take a leading position in Europe

Poland's future head of government Donald Tusk wants to bring his country closer to the European Union and improve relations with Brussels. Poland will be a strong part of NATO and a strong ally of the USA, as well as achieving a leading position in Europe, Tusk said in the Sejm Chamber of Deputies.

Anyone questioning Poland's place in the EU was damaging the country's interests. An isolated Poland would be exposed to the greatest risks. The former EU Council President and former opposition leader was given the task of forming a government by parliament on Monday and is to be sworn in as the new Prime Minister on Wednesday.

This marks a change of power in Poland towards a pro-European government. Parliament voted by 248 votes to 201 in favor of the 66-year-old Tusk from the liberal-conservative electoral alliance Civic Coalition (KO) as the new head of government of a three-party alliance together with the "Third Way" and the "New Left".

The incumbent Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki from the national-conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) had previously lost a vote of confidence. The new government could bring an end to the long-standing dispute between the EU and Poland over issues such as the controversial judicial reform and the allocation of billions in frozen EU funds.

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Tusk's pro-European views align with his desire for Poland to take a leading management position within Europe. As the new Prime Minister, Tusk will oversee Poland's continued strong alliance with NATO and the USA. The formation of a pro-European government, led by Tusk, has the potential to resolve disputes between Poland and the EU, such as the judicial reform and the allocation of EU funds.


