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Treatment of Nasal Bone Fractures: A Medical Exploration

Players Experience Frequent Physical Confrontations

Nose bone fracture diagnosis: France's Kylian Mbappé has been hit.
Nose bone fracture diagnosis: France's Kylian Mbappé has been hit.

Treatment of Nasal Bone Fractures: A Medical Exploration

In many sports like boxing and football, it's common to take a hit to the nose. Recently, French football sensation Kylian Mbappé suffered a nasal bone fracture. Despite the injury, his sense of humor remains unscathed, jesting about mask ideas on X platform. When he returns to the field, he'll wear a protective mask to shield his broken nasal bone from further blows.

This precaution isn't just practical; it's psychological too, according to ENT doctor Bernhard Robbers from Schön Clinic Düsseldorf. Fear of another nasal injury can impact an athlete's motivation. Generally, though, non-professional athletes don't typically wear facial masks for a nasal bone fracture.

Here's what you should know about a nasal bone fracture:

How does a nasal bone fracture happen?

A nasal bone fracture occurs when the nose forcefully collides with an object. This can occur in sports such as football, handball, or basketball. However, it can also happen from a fight, a bike accident, or a sudden fainting spell.

When the impact happens, the nasal bone breaks. The nasal bone is made up of two bony parts felt at the nasal ridge, and the cartilaginous part of the nose - the nasal septum in the middle - can also be damaged in a nasal bone fracture, as per Robbers.

What does first aid look like for a nose injury?

Signs of a nasal bone fracture include a crooked nose, bleeding, swelling, pain, and difficulty breathing. To alleviate pain, Robbers suggests cooling the nose. To stop nasal bleeding, apply pressure to the front part of the nose for several minutes. Sit or stand upright during this process, ensuring the head remains elevated. Applying cold to the back of the neck can also help. Seek medical attention as soon as possible after diagnosing and treating the injury.

How is a nasal bone fracture treated?

If the nasal bone fracture is stable and straight, surgery isn't required. The nasal bone will heal on its own over time. Surgery is necessary if the nasal bone fracture results in a deviated nose, affects the cartilaginous part of the nose, or involves multi-fragment fractures. After surgery, patients wear a nasal splint, which is typically removed around a week later.

How long does it take for everything to fully heal?

The nasal bone typically takes about four to six weeks to heal completely. Non-professional athletes participating in international tournaments should also take a break from sports during this healing period.

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