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Timetable for the procurement of "support modules" unclear

The timetable for the procurement of additional so-called care modules for the care of thousands of people in disasters is uncertain. The President of the German Red Cross (DRK), Gerda Hasselfeldt, complained in the "Rheinische Post" (Tuesday) that so far there is only one of these modules for...

The playground in Butendieker Gehölz is under water.
The playground in Butendieker Gehölz is under water.

Civil protection - Timetable for the procurement of "support modules" unclear

The timetable for the procurement of additional so-called care modules for the care of thousands of people in disasters is uncertain. The President of the German Red Cross (DRK), Gerda Hasselfeldt, complained in the "Rheinische Post" (Tuesday) that so far there is only one of these modules for the care of 5,000 people. The "initial procurement processes" for a second module had begun, a spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior told the German Press Agency in Berlin on Tuesday. "The Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs and the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance are working to ensure that further modules are implemented."

According to the ministry, the "mobile care modules" are self-sufficient and can provide shelter, warmth, water and food for 5,000 people at short notice in emergency situations. These include tents, camp beds, kitchens, power generators, heaters, tables, benches, refrigerated containers, vehicles, toilets and hygiene products.

The federal government is continuing to invest in the project, the spokesperson assured. "The aim is to implement a total of ten mobile care modules that are compatible with each other. Together, they will form a federal "mobile care reserve" for civil protection." The first module is being set up as a pilot project and is fully funded.

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