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Three singles for the dating show

In "Save the Date - Who will I marry in 50 days?" with presenter Jana Ina Zarrella, these three singles will be looking for love from January.

"Save the Date - Who will I marry in 50 days?" with (from left) Jana Ina Zarrella, Daniel,
"Save the Date - Who will I marry in 50 days?" with (from left) Jana Ina Zarrella, Daniel, Laila and

"Save the Date" with Jana Ina Zarrella - Three singles for the dating show

The new dating show "Save the Date - Who will I marry in 50 days?" was announced back in June, and now the channel VOX has announced further details about the format from Finland with presenter Jana Ina Zarrella (47).

Two of the three singles are known from reality formats

The three singles, who have to choose their partner for life from various candidates within 50 days and organize their wedding at the same time, are civil engineer Daniel (33) from Frankfurt, office worker Laila (27) from Neuss and service employee Jasmin (34) from Sehnde.

Daniel has already gained TV experience on "Love Island" in 2022. When it comes to dating, he sees himself as a conqueror. His dream woman is between 25 and 33 years old, natural, sporty and has style. A desire to have children and a healthy lifestyle are also important to him. Tattoos and facial piercings are a real no-go for him. His hobbies are beach soccer, fitness and coffee.

Laila has no TV experience to date, but does model. Her dream man is trained, blonde and tattooed. He should like going to the gym as much as she does. She would fall for a fitness freak with a casual and sporty style who shares her desire to marry and have children and earns at least as much money as she does. "I definitely want my next man to be my last. Unfortunately, most men these days just want to have fun and don't want to commit. But I'm 100 percent wifey material," says the 27-year-old.

Jasmin has already taken part in two TV shows, "Eating with my Ex" (2022) and "Let's Love - A Cabin Full of Love" (2021). Her knack for "bad boys" has already been her undoing. Her dream man is between 29 and 40 years old, a southern type with a sporty and casual look, dominant, animal-loving and open-minded. The desire to have children is also very important. "I dream of a small wedding and a big party!" says the 34-year-old.

Preview of the four episodes

At the beginning of the first episode, the three singles have 50 days ahead of them. They inform their families about the upcoming wedding and date for all they're worth ... Episode two begins when the three have 41 days until the wedding. Location, wedding dress and suit need to be found - and the dates are progressing ... In episode three, the singles are only 23 days away from the wedding. Pure emotional chaos ... In episode four, the deadline has passed, the wedding day has arrived - surprise included ...

The broadcast date

Viewers can find out from January 9 on VOX who the (still) singles will be walking down the aisle with and what hurdles they will have to overcome during the wedding preparations.

Read also:

  1. Laila, one of the singles on the dating show "Save the Date - Who will I marry in 50 days?", revealed that her dream man is a trained, blonde, and tattooed individual who shares her love for fitness.
  2. Daniel, another single in the show, gained TV experience on "Love Island" in 2022 and sees himself as a conqueror when it comes to dating, with a dream woman between 25 and 33 years old.
  3. Born in Finland and known for her presenter role in the "Save the Date" show, Jana Ina Zarrella revealed details about the format and shared that the singles will choose their partners and organize their weddings within 50 days.
  4. Planing for their upcoming weddings, the singles Daniel, Laila, and Jasmin informed their families and began searching for wedding locations and outfits in the second episode.
  5. Frankfurter Daniel, who is known for his reality TV experience, shares his desire for a healthy lifestyle and a dream woman with no tattoos or facial piercings, while Neuss office worker Laila hopes to find her last and only man from the show.
  6. Jasmin, who has appeared on two TV shows, reflects on her past experiences with 'bad boys' and shares her dream of a small wedding and a big party in Finland.
  7. Fans of the show can tune in to VOX starting January 9 to find out who these singles will marry and witness the challenges they face in their wedding preparations.




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