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Three individuals sustained minor injuries in a crash involving a patrol vehicle in Bremen.

In Bremen, a police vehicle collides with another car during an emergency mission. Authorities are currently probing the circumstances surrounding the incident.

A police vehicle is parked on a road.
A police vehicle is parked on a road.

Auto movement hindered due to congestion - Three individuals sustained minor injuries in a crash involving a patrol vehicle in Bremen.

In a mishap involving a cop car in Bremen, two police officers and a woman behind the wheel sustained slight injuries. The cop car team was heading to a task with their blues and sirens on when the crash happened at a meeting point in the Vahr area, per police's Sunday report. A cop allegedly attempted to steer the patrol vehicle from one avenue to the left on Saturday evening, only to hit a car heading straight towards them. The woman and the two police officers of the patrol car were rushed to the hospital as a safeguard due to their minor wounds. The police have initiated a probe into the precise details of the crash.

Police press release

Read also:

  1. The investigation into the accident involving the patrol car and another vehicle in Bremen is part of the police's operational trip to ensure traffic safety.
  2. Despite the dash to reach an operational trip site, an accident occurred where a patrol car collided with a car in Bremen, causing minor injuries to two officers and a driver.
  3. The operational trip of the police patrol car was disrupted as they were involved in an accident with another vehicle in Bremen, resulting in slight injuries to its occupants.
  4. The police officers in their patrol car were heading for an operational trip when they got into an accident with another car in Bremen, resulting in minor injuries to all involved.

