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Thousands at peace demonstration with Wagenknecht in Berlin

A demonstration was called against the war in Ukraine, but the war in Gaza was also an issue. Former Left Party politician Wagenknecht sharply criticized the Israeli and German governments.

Thousands of people demonstrated for peace in Berlin on
Thousands of people demonstrated for peace in Berlin on

Thousands at peace demonstration with Wagenknecht in Berlin

Posters with peace doves and slogans against German arms deliveries: Thousands of people responded to a demonstration call for peace in Ukraine in Berlin on Saturday. A permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip was also called for at the Brandenburg Gate. The best-known speaker was former left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht, who sharply criticized the traffic light coalition and accused the Israeli government of ruthless warfare.

According to the police, around 10,000 people attended the demonstration at its peak in the cold and drizzling rain, as many as had registered. The organizers spoke of more than 20,000. The protest went off without a hitch, according to a police spokeswoman.

Wagenknecht is the best-known speaker

Wagenknecht, who is currently founding her own party, said: "We Germans in particular have a special responsibility for Jewish life. And we have the responsibility to defend Israel's right to exist without ifs and buts." But this responsibility "does not oblige us to gloss over and support the Netanyahu government's ruthless warfare as self-defense".

It is absurd to believe that bombs weaken Islamist terror - they strengthen it. The 54-year-old had previously emphasized: "On 7 October, we were all horrified and shocked by the terrible massacres carried out by the Islamist Hamas, by the murders of innocent civilians, women and children." No injustice justifies such crimes.

Wagenknecht also criticized the statement by Defence Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) that Germany must become "ready for war" in view of the threat situation following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The call for the demonstration with the slogan "No to wars - stop the arms madness - shape a peaceful and just future" was supported by left-wing politicians, trade unionists and some artists. Wagenknecht had already spoken at the Brandenburg Gate in February together with women's rights activist Alice Schwarzer on the war in Ukraine.


