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Thomas Gottschalk reacts conciliatory

Thomas Gottschalk does not leave the "Wetten, dass...?" dispute with Shirin David uncommented. He says: "I have nothing against influencers."

Thomas Gottschalk and Shirin David on "Wetten, dass...?"
Thomas Gottschalk and Shirin David on "Wetten, dass...?"

"Bet - Thomas Gottschalk reacts conciliatory

Presenter Thomas Gottschalk (73) does not want to let the dispute with rapper Shirin David (28) in his last edition of the Saturday evening show "Wetten, dass...?" (25.11., Offenburg) go without comment. In the latest episode of his podcast "Supernasen", he makes it clear: "I really don't have anything against influencers. They work hard for their money. They work 20 hours into their device."

Thomas Gottschalk: "For me, the word follower simply has negative connotations"

He was referring to David's statement to the host on the TV show a week and a half ago: "You once said that influencers don't belong on your couch, and I have to say, it's very cozy here."

Shirin David had previously appeared together with pop queen Helene Fischer (39) to perform a new version of the mega hit "Atemlos durch die Nacht". Gottschalk rowed back during the live show. He just hadn't understood influencers before.

In the podcast, he also explained: "For me, the word follower simply has negative connotations, because I'm not someone who wants to follow, I want to lead the way," said Gottschalk.

In the social media announcement for "Die Supernasen" , Gottschalk and his colleague Mike Krüger (72) explain why the topic had to be brought up again: "Thomas just wants to be respected, but he doesn't care what the press writes about him and Shirin David, it tweaks".

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