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The world's largest poppy seed cake will be prepared in Allstedt.

The cake to be made in Allstedt is predicted to weigh approximately 100 kilograms and include 32 kilos of poppy seeds. This remarkable creation has a historical foundation.

A piece of cake sits on a table in a café.
A piece of cake sits on a table in a café.

Striving for a new record - The world's largest poppy seed cake will be prepared in Allstedt.

In the town of Allstedt, located in the Mansfeld-Südharz district, the world's biggest single-piece poppy seed cake is about to be baked and sliced. This record-breaking event is a collaboration between the Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt and master baker Vincent Richter from the Meye Bakery in Allstedt. Richter commissioned a massive baking sheet for this undertaking, and the final cake may weigh up to 100 kilograms, containing 32 kilograms of poppy seeds. The cake will be baked on Saturday, weighed after cooled down on Sunday, and finally cut on Sunday at 1 p.m.

The reason behind this record attempt is to honor the anniversary of the Peasants' War of 500 years ago, along with Thomas Müntzer's 500th death anniversary in 2025. The Kunststiftung draws attention to the tradition of poppy seed cakes from hundreds of years ago that were prevalent in bakeries during Müntzer's time. To coincide with the baking event, a local photographer will capture a picture of the town's residents. The photos taken will later be showcased in a large-format display within the city. Astonishingly, the Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt is also seeking statements from the residents of Allstedt about their aspirations for the coming 500 years and what they wish to alter.

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