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The recovery operation for the Lake Constance steamship has been halted.

Following two unsuccessful efforts, the recovery of the "Säntis" from Lake Constance has been halted. The choice was made with deep regret, state the individuals in charge.

Das Dampfschiff "Säntis" ist auf dem Grund des  Bodensees zu sehen. Am 2. Mai 1933 wurde es...
Das Dampfschiff "Säntis" ist auf dem Grund des Bodensees zu sehen. Am 2. Mai 1933 wurde es ausgemustert und im See versenkt. Ein Verein aus Romanshorn will das rund 130 Jahre alte Dampfschiff aus 210 Metern Tiefe bergen und ausstellen.

The Past - The recovery operation for the Lake Constance steamship has been halted.

The recovery of the historic steamboat "Säntis" from the depths of Lake Constance is no longer viable. The shipping association confirmed this news in Romanshorn, Switzerland, on Monday. Despite facing multiple technical hurdles, they made the difficult decision to end the salvage operation. Equally, they expressed hope that further attempts may be made in the future to recover the wreck and uncover its mysteries.

The second attempt to hoist the steamboat from 210 meters to the surface on Sunday unsuccessful. The issue arose due to the winch's brakes which couldn't cope with lowering the salvage platform onto the boat. At present, the priority is to remove the salvage equipment from the lake, the parties announced.

During a live broadcast by Swiss television, "Blick TV," association president Silvan Paganini announced, "This is the end of the project." His words brought a blend of sorrow and disappointment among all the individuals invested in the endeavor, as per the association's statement. While the risks and costs were continuously evaluated, they assured they would persist until these factors remained manageable and aligned with preserving this "marvelous vessel."

This skipjack had been deemed unfit for service in May 1933 and sunk in the heart of the lake between Romanshorn in Switzerland and Langenargen in Germany. Its dismantlement was significantly costly, preventing that from happening in the past. Since 1892, the 48-meter-long vessel serviced Lake Constance and held a capacity of 400 passengers. The first failed attempt to salvage the submerged passenger ship transpired mid-April due to technical concerns.

The Shipping Association (established in 2023) rallied supporters to collect more than 250,000 euros for the salvage operation.

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